Heart Broken

Heart Broken
Chapter 1-Life Begins & Ends
Barron got on top of the slim bodied teenage boy. Not that Barron wasn't in his teenage years as well, it was just he had a bigger body set due to football. Football usually took up most of his time and being here with Tommy made him smile. If it weren't for football, then he would have to deal with Tommy's track practice. Images jumped into Barron's mind of the small, skinny boy running on the track field. Wearing the colors of his school, purple and gold. With his brownish blonde hair blowing into his face with the blast of the wind. His glasses sticking onto his face like super glue had been keeping them there.
"Tommy," Barron's gruff voice echoed in the empty boys' shower room.
"Hmm," Tommy poked the guy on top of his cheek, "If you got somethin' to say, spit it out."
"Please, once more, explain why we joined wrestling again," Barron looked into Tommy's green eyes non-moving his gaze.
With a long sigh, the boy paused not wanting to answer Barron for the millionth time, "I want to be stronger."
Barron puckered his lips, "You're my best friend, and I say you're strong enough."
"Says the one who pinned me down," Tommy looked away furious.
"It's because you don't try," Barron blurted out.
"What are you trying to say! That I like you on top of me," Tommy looked accusative at the brown eyed football player.
"You..." Barron stopped himself, "Never mind, are you coming to watch me at Football practice tomorrow?"
"I don't know," Tommy said pushing Barron off of him and walking away.
Barron stood out in the freshly cut grass with many other of his peers. The main coach yelled out a couple of things and Barron moved forward to meet his coaches needs. He looked over only to see four girls sitting side by side. Talking. Gossiping. Not like he cared about them, but Tommy wasn't there watching him at practice. He looked back at the guy in front of him. The coach yelled a few more things and they began their daily exercise in the burning sun. This sucks.
Tommy was walking towards his beat up sunbird. It was blue and had many memorable dents. Like the time when Barron got so pissed and threw a fist at Tommy but dodged him and hit his car instead. He walked up to it and touched the dent. The debate was whether or not he would go watch Barron practice or not. He didn't like being out in the heat just watching that idiot. But, on the other hand, he sweated so beautifully. His dark brown hair was sometimes soaked in sweat after practice. Just the feeling of being by his best friend made him happy and he had no idea why, "Idiot."
Seconds later, he was walking down to the football field. As he walked, in the distance he saw all the football players doing their daily routine of working their asses off.
Ring. Ring. Ri-, "Hello?"
"Hey, meet me back at the field house."
"We're having practice," before he had time to question his coach any further, the phone clicked.
He sighed and turned around quickly, "Idi-"
No amount of training prepared Barron for this. His best friend lay in his arms. Unconscious, barely living, blood everywhere.
"How long until the medics arrive!"
His voice cracked and alarmed many bystanders. When no one replied, he looked back down doing all he could not to cry in front of this crowd. All he could do, is hold his best friend in his arms and beg himself not to cry. A few moments later, an ambulance was heard off in the distance. Barron sighed in relief as he heard the ambulance and still had a pulse on Tommy. Barron looked over at the dangling arm of Tommy. It looked all distorted and he caught his own breath fighting back more tears trying to surface.
The ambulance was now rumbling his ears and stopped right near him. Two men got out and bent down by him with Tommy in his arms.
"What happened," the smaller one said making sure there was a pulse.
"Car hit him," Barron began remembering how he felt when he looked over at the sound of the screeching vehicle coming to a halt. A body had flown across the concrete ground.
Barron felt the wind cross his face as the disgusting memory faded. Policemen were everywhere questioning everyone that witnessed it. The medics got together and tore Tommy from Barron's arms. They pulled him up onto one of the moving beds and Barron began panicking.
He grabbed the smaller ones hand, "Please, let me go with you. He is my best friend."
The medic looked over the taller one and then back at Barron nodding slightly. Then everything went quickly as they got into the vehicle and put him on IV and what not.
"We need to get him there fast, Christian," the smaller one putting all the equipment on Tommy said.
"How long do you suppose it'll take, Darell," the one driving questioned.
"Ha, 30 minutes minimum."
"I bet 10 minutes for 10 bucks."
Were they making a bet on how fast it would take?! It disgusted Barron but he kept his mouth shut. Not even a minute later, they were speeding down the highway. There were a few times when Barron thought that Tommy would fall off into the floor of the ambulance. It scared him that Tommy could die. He couldn't live without Tommy.
After what felt like an eternity, they made it. The one named Christian won the bet. They had made it in 11 minutes and some odd seconds. When Tommy was on another movable bed going with the nurses, Barron followed after hearing a faint argument from the two ambulance crew members.
Barron had to practically run to keep up with the speeding movable bed which was surrounded by several nurses. They immediately went into a big two door room with Tommy.
One nurse turned around, "You'll have to wait here for now."
She turned and left. Barron pressed his face against the double doors and then took out his phone to call Tommy's house phone.
The phone rang a couple of times before a cheerful mom answered, "Hello, this is the Cartway residence speaking."
"Mrs. Cartway," Barron's voice came out thin and weak.
"Yes," her tone changed instantly, "Is there something wrong Barron?"
"Tommy was hit by a car," he got it out as quickly as he could, "He's with me at the Enterkle Hospital."
"I'll be right there," the click came quickly and Barron put his phone in his pocket having a seat before he fell over and passed out.
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