Story -

"Her Secret"

"Her Secret"

Do you see that big house on the sea cliff?  Yeah, the blue one with the yellow shutters.  Well, I live there by myself.  No sisters, no cousins, no adopters, no nothin'.  Can't say the same for material things, though.  Look here: china, velvet drapes, Egyptian cotton bedsheets.  Even got me outside fineries as well.  Here we got them topiary sheep, turtles, and horses. Huh!  So, if you sculpt a beast of your own design from just a hedge, guess he won't be needing anything in the way of food.  Guess the pet rock was already made to order, though.  See anything you like so far?  No?!  Well then, I suppose we should be off to the koi pond-a favorite roost of mine.  See that monster there?  That's Little Debbie.  Named her so because she  happened to pilfer one of my favorite snacks straight from my hand about a year ago.  Should've named you Taco Bell-Licorice-Clementine considering certain events of last month, eh?  Alright, back inside for the kitchen exhibition.  What a myriad!  Harrod's ought to have a gander at this stash!  Believe you me, you know you're rich when you got six interconnected fridges.  That's right; my house, my rules.

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