I ride my bike to work.
I work two jobs which I go back and forth from; I'll work mornings at one place and nights at the other.
I work two jobs to help my family, so we can live comfortably.
Everybody always says "get home safe" and "gotta watch to for crazy drivers".
I left my one job to go to the other, I was making good time.
Same route as always.
Riding on the sidewalk, on the sidewalk in front of neighborhoods and businesses. Straight through. Just keep going straight. No traffic.
It wasn't until I was a speed-bump to a new white, 2015 Chevy something.
My left thigh was pinned between the car and my bike. My front tire of my mother's bicycle bent to crap.
The guy wouldn't of even noticed if his son wasn't in the car, and screamed when it happened.
I felt like I couldnt breathe, just shaking.
The guy was pretty shaken too, of course he wasn't the one who got hit but still. Almost in tears, this grown man admitted to me he was not paying attention to the roads because he was on his phone.
Psa: please don't text and drive. Pay attention to the roads and your surroundings. Before you pick up your phone to text, call, or check your email, just please think about the consequences for you and others.
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