How Far Would You Go For The Person You Love The Most

Tell me something, how far would you go for the person you love? To save them from themselves, to take their pain away.
you wake up in the morning to your alarm and you hurry to turn it off as you do not want to disturb your partner's deep sleep. You get up, take your clothes to another room and get changed for work, perhaps you slip back in before you leave and kiss them goodbye, maybe you don't. After work, you buy that person flowers and chocolate just to see your partner smile with delight as you surprise them with the lovely gift. Perhaps you take them out for dinner one evening and order an expensive drink just because it's them and no-one else. You dedicate a lot of time and energy to your partner, you are a giving person who wants to please and does not expect anything in return other than their smile, perhaps the widening of their eyes as you show them yours.
The right kind of love, where you're both in it for the long haul, you appreciate the little things they do for you every day that makes your life that little bit easier. Maybe it's running you a bath after a long day or having dinner ready just as you get home after moaning about how hungry you are, perhaps it's a hot summers day and they've put your favourite drink in the fridge so it's nice and cold, it could even be giving you the last rolo.
Lust is great when it comes to spontaneous sex, however could you wake up in the morning next to that person and think "Yeah, i could give that person my heart and trust them enough to treat it right"
The person you dedicate your life to will always find a way to make your life special in the most simple of ways by just existing.You receive a kiss that could change your bad mood into a good one, a hug that could warm you up on a cold day, to be held during a severe thunderstorm that helps you feel strong, to convince your sense of pride that everything will be okay again.Β
Love is a powerful emotion that can turn your best friends and family into enemies, it can make you do things you never ever thought you were capable of, like bungee jumping or trying a new type of food you would otherwise turn your nose up in disgust.
I could talk of fluttering and butterflies, i could chat about the birds and the bees but what i really want to talk about is that moment when you look into someones eyes and for the very first time see you reflection long enough to realise that you both have been caught up in a very intimate moment and maybe this sexual tension will be more than just a first encounter. You invest time and feelings into someone with an understanding that you both are on the same level.
I'm no expert by any means, never will i be a guru of any kind other than my own judgement. so the question here remains, how far would you go for the person you love?
Because for me, i'd go all the way and never look back for a second.
ChrisΒ Β
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