I don't even know

A dark rabbit hole
a constant downward spiral
How can a bunny live here?
As I fall deeper into the mists of my mind,I lose all sense of time
Weakness overcomes me, my tears fall downwards as a fall, as if gravity no longer exists.
This darkness, I can't see! I'm blind! Nothing makes sense anymore.
Demonic voices yell and call for me, I'm still falling.
I'm helpless, I don't know why I'm here, just why? I was doing so well! But....just.....I don't know.
The darkness is so consuming, I can't think! I can't see, I can't cope!
I scream and scream but no one hears, I hate me, I hate everything I am.
Blood, flows from my wrists, is this the end? I feel faint, lost, confused. I can finally see that devilish smile of my demons , consuming my every being.
It feels warm and welcoming, but yet I struggle to subcome to the wishes of my demons.
The blood drips slower as my vision fades.
Finally, landing hard in this rabbit hole, there was nothing I could do.
I was finished. I was over. I was..........happy.....
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