
I am the son (Chapter 1)
Dreams, we all want to see them brought to the living world, make them alive with the same existence as ours. Sometimes these only make sense when you are asleep…just like a Rapper once said. Freeman just had one
“Mom, Dad?” He goes from one room to another after hearing some awkward noise “Anybody out there? “
Manny people wish to bring them to reality. That spiritual beauty, pleasure and satisfaction of different desires to a better life…we all yearn of such nature because we feel that those things belong to us. It’s like they were confiscated from us and now we need them back.
He hears the noise again. “Mom I’m scared” Freeman speaks with a trembling voice this time, he nearly screams when he enters the bathroom and find the toilet seat covered in blood. He closes his eyes tightly whispering alone. “It’s just a dream, it has to be, it’s just...I'm gon’ wake up.” He opens them slowly, sees his mother on the floor so quiet and peaceful. She’s beautiful as she’s always been but only this time…she’s not breathing.
I wonder, what if our dreams are nothing but nightmares, so dreadful and insidious…Could we still want them to come to reality? Just as he tries to scream someone comes from behind and holds him tightly on the mouth. He learns that it’s his Father. “Dad, what’s…His Dad squeezes his mouth.
“Quiet, they’ll hear you! His Dad stopped him whispering.
“Dad, Mom is…she’s lying in the toilet” He starts crying quietly.
“She’s gone Dad I saw her blood all over the toilet she’s laying she’s dead she’s…”
He speaks without resting until his Father holds him tight on his chest.
“Shh, quiet they’ll hear you son” He replied with half his voice.
“They? Who is they Dad. Tell me what’s happening here Mom is…”
“I know about your Mom” His Father interrupts him and places both his hands on Freeman’s face. “Listen, in a few minutes I will be dead too so it’s very important for you to hear this…”
“Father...” He tries to stop him
“Just shut up and listen…Sounds almost irritated.
I’m gonna die Son you hear me? I’m gonna die and there is nothing I can do about it. They will kill me and you will be left alone, I don’t want them killing you too because that’s what’s going to happen if you don’t do as I say to you right now so just stay quiet and obey.
He pulls out a piece of paper from the left pocket of his trousers. “Listen, this paper contains a cell phone number and an address; he will answer each and every question you might have. No more questions from you now, I need you to hide here.” He gets him inside a cupboard then stops before he could close it. “Son?” Freeman looks up with a dark clouded face. “Never lose your faith, whatever you face in future…never forget, the possibilities you have cannot be measured when you let God be in your side…I’ll ask him to let me watch you because I’ll never leave you alone.” Closing the cupboard door “The card, tell them you are the Son.” Then he stands up facing the kitchen door.
Three men come in through the door kicking it down, they find Freeman’s Father on a kitchen counter as if nothing is wrong…he’s reading a bible “Lord forgive their sins, for they know not what they are doing” He whispers the words. One man pulls out a chair and joins him on the other side of the kitchen counter while the other two men remain standing behind him and right after Freeman’s Dad’s prayer he speaks.
“It’s been a long time Louis” Freeman's Father said in a calm voice.
“A very long one indeed…Douglass. How long has it been, 4,5 years?” Holding out both his hand palms. The men standing argue, one says 4 and the other says 5 until Louis gets irritated. “Shut up! This ain’t no bar, it’s a Christian’s house show some….
“6 years” Douglas talks after clearing his throat
“Did you say something Doug?” Louis asks
“It’s been 6 years, this is the 7th …you went out of the church unit in 2008”
Louis replies with arrogance. “At least someone remembers. Point of correction. I never went out, you made me to.”
“You broke the covenant Louis, you…
“I’m not going back there…I don’t hold grudges. So this is where you’ve been hiding all along.” Trying to stay calm.
“Well if you did notice, I wouldn’t call it hiding at all because…
“It’s an open space” Louis joins in. I know…staying where we wouldn’t look, a classic skill I give you credit Doug. I can’t believe we’ve been fools for 7 years.”
6 years Louis, this is the beginning of the 7th” Douglas corrects him.
He pauses. “Of course, now I’ve had fun since I came here but I’m not here to socialize Douglas Freeman…you know what I want, and you’re gonna give it to me alright.”
“What are you talking about L…
Louis jumps from his side of the kitchen counter to punch Douglas down from his chair, then Louis watches him on the floor fuming with anger.
“You, you have the blood of the Father running inside your veins from the origins of the first Son…The sins of the Fathers shall be visited upon their Sons down to the second generation (scene one fades) to be continued....
(There's content that was cut. please be advised i'm still trying to sort my story. Thank you)
The jungle come alive.
"So it's true, the cub got to survive"
"I'm sorry to disappoint you"
"Your eyes are filled with historical anger"
"History is what makes us survive"
"So i guess lies also keep you alive"
"You're in no position to tell what's true"
"Exactly! All these years that's what you've learnt, there's a difference between people"
"There's always a difference between people"
"Says who, God, you or your leaders?"
"It's the nature"
"So you say me killing your father was nature?"
"That was a voluntary work"
"Aha! That's what you believe. That is your choice to believe and what about those that don't have no choice?"
"There's always a choice"
"I beg to differ"
"There's always! A choice"
"And I! Beg to differ. See your mind seems to be made up already regardless of what you've seen from what you've heard if you ever saw anything, if not one of the liers now. So why not get this party started?"
"Your funeral...in the name of God the father, the son and the holy spirit...KILL THEM ALL!"
Everyone starts unraveling, there's gun sounds all over and people are dying from both sides. Freeman starts thinking about his old friend, Jake and this gives him power to carry on.
"Jake, your death will not be in vain" He whispers then cocks his gun to shoot everyone who is not christian until only one man is left, his target.
"You think that you're different from me? You are just as evil, you kill, you separate a mother from a daughter, a son from a father, a brother from another"
"I kill people who deserve it"
"Yeah yeah and it just happens that some of those people have got families"
"God orders my actions"
"Then your God doesn't consider the ones left behind"
"They are better without them"
"You don't get it do you? It's not about what you take, it's about who you take it from and you of all people should know better"
"You know nothing about me"
"I know you take orders just like me, the only difference is you have a choice to do right"
"There's no choices now? Hello are you Freeman Freeman? The son of Douglass...the son?"
"Don't say what you don't have proof of"
"Especially if the proof is thrown in the see by its owner with his acts of taking orders like an ordinary person, what a sin!"
"You know nothing about a sin"
"I know i was ordered to take out your family, my sin... and that turned you into an animal"
"Nothing is more dangerous than a wounded lion"
"Freeman!" A loud voice comes from behind and he turns back to a shock, it's Jake. He doesn't believe what he sees so he blinks twice.
"Don't shoot!"
Freeman's mind was at a turmoil, he can't stop wondering why Jake wasn't smiling at him but rather looking worried and about to stop him from something.
"Don't shoot him"
Now Freeman's mind races faster than a war plane, he can't stop wondering why Jake would stop him from shooting the Commander. He starts asking himself questions about where Jake has been when he thought he was dead and wondered if it was all orchestrated and that he's an antichristian.
"Stop right there Jake" He points his gun at him before he could get in can contact.
"Wait, what-what are you doing man?"
"No, what are you doing Jake?"
"There's an explanation for all this"
"Oh really now? How about explaining your resurrection first?"
"Freeman put down the gun so we can talk"
"I don't want to talk buddy, if you don't explain to me quickly what's happening here I'm blowing your brains out"
"You'd do that to me?"
"Help me not to"
"Just put the gun to the ground you're making me nervous"
"You're not Jake, so I'll....."
"He's my brother!" Jake said this pointing at the Commander who's still on the floor.
"What did you just say?"
"It was our plan to go out of men today, to give you a way in because we knew you were coming"
"I don't understand"
"Oh come on Freeman, the guns unloaded, soldiers eating and drinking, doors and windows open...the regular snipers on the roof were not there for Christ sakes. We were the only ones that knew and not even the leader so we found a way to work with you without anyone noticing by exposing soldiers here, and so that we can talk"
"What i want to talk about is how you survived"
"You have little faith in you, do you believe in bullet proof vests?"
"Why did you disappear?"
"To join my brother and go on with the struggle"
Freeman turns to look at him and begins to be a little emotional.
"He killed my father man, now i don't have to repeat that story to you, I've already told you and that was a long time ago. All these years...you mean to tell me you knew about this and kept quiet? I needed a shelter buddy you hear me? I needed food, clothes, warmth and you decided to keep me in the streets..." He cocks his gun and points it to Jake.
"It was dangerous, the christians killed our father"
"I bet your father was a cruel antichristian like your brother"
"He was a high priest, just like your father was"
"My father was a threat to your leader, my former leader"
"My leader?"
"Yes, the leader of the Christian academy. He set a plot to kill my father but he wasn't alone, he allies with the antichristian's leader"
"And you have proof of that?"
"I've been with them for over four years, loyal" Jake's brother joined in"
"Loyalty requires killing for people?"
"After they killed my father they recruited me. I managed to put the dots together and they decided to accuse my father of a false crime, attempted murder to your father and that was the reason your father never followed the death of his guard. I knew too much so i had to be silenced"
"But you're still here"
"Yes, they said if i was closer to them then I'd be less talkative"
"And you just kept quiet and loyal"
"Jake was a young boy back then, his mother was..."
"Wait, his mother?"
"We had different mothers, as i was saying, his mother was left in the streets as punishment and shame for what her husband did. They said that she plotted the sins with her husband"
"Are you sure this was the act of people from the Christian academy?"
He just looks at Freeman until he nods his head.
"Jake's mother killed herself afterwards, leaving both her kids behind with a group of streetfellas"
"Both her kids? I thought you said she wasn't your mother"
"She wasn't" Jake joined. "It was me and my little sister"
"You had a sister! You never spoke about these people, who was your sister?" Jake looks at him for a second. "Who was your sister Jake?"
"Oh crap this is absurd. She was once your sex partner you maniac"
"Like i always told you, those were just rumours but it did help in terms of identity clouding. They said that if one day He (referring to the commander) blabbed about it they would kill me and Angy, telling you was going to make you angry and the last thing i wanted was to die from your anger driven careless actions"
"This is a mess"
"What are you going to do now?"
"You were always a christian"
"He was appointed from birth, to be your personal guard the great Son" The commander spoke. "Our father was your father's personal guard, the process goes for generations...just as with the Sons, just like you and your father"
"Open your eyes Freeman, see the truth that's been hidden from you" Jake added.
"Why would i believe you?"
"Because i wouldn't lie to my own brother"
Freeman cries and sits down scratching his head with the gun.
"I can't forgive him Jake" He said emotional, referring to Jake's brother. "It feels like it was yesterday, my mom and dad, the house. You were there Jake when i suffered so you have the idea of how i feel" Jake steps closer to him.
"Try to be christian Freeman, forgive. He had no choice"
"I know, but the feeling is so powerful and it's clouding my judgement"
"Do you want to shoot him? Will we be square then?"
"Then do it"
Freeman gets up and approachs the guy and stands before him.
"Your big brother, is he the one you once told me about?"
He looks at him for a moment"Yes, that's him"
Freeman kicks him on his butt. "That's for all the hidings you used to give him" Then takes out a hand to him to pick him up. "Stand up, let's fight together...brother"