In remembrance of Ricky

It was a pleasure knowing Ricky. He was an amazing Friend, brother, uncle, father, and most importantly he was an amazing Son! I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be called “his” friend.. For all of you that knew Ricky you also know he was a great person to have on our side. He would do anything for anyone including giving his life to protect the ones he loved! He was strong he was a FIGHTER.. HE WOULD never back down from anything or anyone..
       Despite his struggles with addiction he still had a heart of gold and a smile that could light up the room.. EVEN at his worst he was always there for me when I needed him.. I'm sure it's the same for all of you.. He had his good times and his bad ones also but who didn't? We are all simply human. And this human my friend was a wonderful person and I will miss him forever!
As many may not know what it's like to suffer from addiction many don't understand the power it has over the person addicted… Even when we want to stop sometimes we just can't..
Reality is drug addiction is so powerful that it can make even the strongest ones weak to its desire… it hold such a tight chain on ones heart that even when they want to stop and have a better life they just can't! Addiction is serious and it takes the lives of even the best of people!
I hated so badly to see one of my best of friends struggling with the devil… I tried hard to be there anyway I could.. We all have.. It broke my heart hearing those words I am sick! It also breaks my heart knowing he lost his battle to addiction after fighting for years he is finally at peace. I will never forget him or the memories we shared.. I miss you!  “Until we meet again