Is Pushton Syed?

This article was written by a Pakistani friend of mine who is hardworking and educated. He has a passion for journalism. Its columns have been published in several Pakistani newspapers. It is only in his youth that his writings reveal the maturity of his thinking. He belongs to the honorable Syed family. Born in Shangla District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, became orphaned two years after birth, started religious education from the village, after memorizing the Quran, moved to Karachi for further education and then went on to further education. Come to Mansehra, along with education, the newspaper is continuing its education. I pray that God will give him success at every step of his life.
Young people are the backbone of any society and nation, when these young generations abandon the traditions of their ancestors, ancestors, and embrace the values of strangers, take pride in them and shame on their traditions. If you lose your identity, such nations disappear very quickly, even if they do not work again,
Sadat is the only nation in the world that exists in every country, and everyone knows that Sadat belongs to the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him), whose love for all nations has been declared obligatory. "I am leaving two things for you. One Qur'an is the other. The Qur'an will prove to be two things. The same Qur'an will remain till the Day of Judgment. So the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will remain,
Secondly, as respecting the Qur'an, Ikram is obligatory and so is the obligation,
Ibn Majah narrates that Ibn 'Abbas (may Allaah have mercy on him) said that he said: O son of' Abd al-Muttalib, I asked Allah for three things for you. May Allah keep you steadfast.
Guide your astray
Make your ignorant world
I also prayed that Allah would make you generous, brave, compassionate, so if a man was standing between the member and the place of Abraham, praying and fasting, then he died, but he did not have the ability of Muhammad. He is hell, a tradition also says that on the Day of Judgment, all lineages and relationships will be erased but the relationship of my daughter-in-law will remain, indicating to Hazrat Ali, Imam Shafi'i, by eligibility. They said, "If love is a virtue, then I am pleased. There was a time when people were very respectful of Sadat and they had to visit their area, town. I used to be proud to stay, people from far away came to receive their prayers and pray. This was the time when Sadat was well aware of his differences, ancestry, the lifestyle of his ancestors and his virtue and excellence.
There is an Arab nation, but religion has migrated to Islam around the world to bring creation to God, which is why there are Sadat in every country today, where the same Tishean scholars who have been lying on it continue to irritate the Prophets. The children were born and lived here, mixing people for the sake of religion, speaking their language, even their descendants, their mothers. Forgot this language, which is Arabic, that is why the people living in Sindh speak the Sindhi language, the people living in Kashmir speak the Kashmiri language, Hindus living in Hazara speak Pashto and those living in other parts of Pakhtunkhwa speak Pashto. Saying a Seed of Pashto does not mean that he is a Pashtun because Said is a separate nation and Pashtun is another nation, as one person is Sindhi, Punjabi (their nations are meant) and Pashtun cannot be the same. And cannot be Pashtun,
The Pashtun historians have written that the Pashtuns are of Israel, while Sadat is a descendant of you and it is well known to everyone that you are one of the descendants of the Prophet Ishmael and the Children of Israel, Isaac. Of Jacob's descendants,
Nowadays I see my Said brothers who grew up in Pakhtun society, they take pride in calling themselves Pakhtuns and feel shame, shame on being Seed, some of the things that are done based on pride. "Is that nation superior to others or is it famous in bravery"?
These two attributes are not present in any other nation than the simple ones. Based on their bravery and bravery, Hazrat Ali is also called Sher Ali and Sher God. Imam Hussein did not bow down to the oppressive ruler of the time. Then, all the families sacrificed but did not turn back and conveyed to the world that bravery and bravery are the same, stories of bravery and bravery of Pukhtoon became famous after the past,
When Caesar Rome asked the Prophet's lineage about the Prophet's lineage, "What kind of ancestor did Kifa Nussbahah Fikkim", the words of Sahih Bukhari say that Abusafian replied, "Yes, Fina Zansub" they are of great lineage. In the tradition of the Qur' ہیںn, the words are ”ھُوَ فی حسبِِ مالا یفضل علیہ احدِِ قال ھذہ آیة“ which is no greater than those in lineage and family lineage. This is also a sign that Caesar Rome said: One of the signs is that your family is the most elite. In the tradition of Sahih Bukhari, there are words that Caesar Rome heard Abu Sufyan's reply and said: Lrsl tbas per ahsab coma "The Prophet always said family,
If the highest, the superior, the virtue and the majesty of virtue, lineage, and family, whose faith is incomplete without love, the example of grace and bravery, beauty and beauty, then why are we so high Feel ashamed, proud of Ashraf.
According to the dictator's opinion, our young generation is ignorant and unaware of their greatness, virtue, and therefore we are ignorant of ourselves and our history of conflict,
Organizing organizations in the name of Sadat, highlighting the virtues, wisdom of the Sadat and improving those who suffer from misconduct while applying for their full role in this matter, I request my youth also to open their eyes. Once I identify,
You must read the antics, articles, and articles on the biographies of your ancestors, Akbar, the ancestors, then you can not lift a finger on you, nor do you think.
Lost that sight of your eye, looking
Finding what's missing outside
Who will bring you out of your ignorance
Find such a cistern in the desert of madness