It never made the mailbox.

We danced once.
Not a note of music could be heard.
Only your heart beat, and mine.
Dancing around the room, I never touched the ground. You leaned into me like you had your back to the very edge of the world. I held you close.
This moment stains my mind, bleeding into each and every thought. Trickling behind my eyelids it causes confusion when a person witnesses it sweep across my face. A deep and genuine smile, every time.
I can feel your breath on my chest and the slight sting from your nails as you pulled me in closer. We were clothed with nothing between us, connected in space and time, I felt yours heart reach out to mine. For a moment every particle in my body felt connected, completed, its how I imagined the way the world feels when a moment is genuinely perfect.
Closing my eyes even now, I'm transported through time, Lost in your eyes I feel you lean in and place euphoria upon my lips. The hair raising charge the surged through me the very second our lips met can only be described as life threatening. My heart stuttered, stumbled and then, for a moment, it stopped completely.
I loved you, I lost you, and I'm no longer looking for you. But, sometimes, when its empty and my mind is free to wander. It always finds its way back to that moment; in my shitty apartment our lips met and two worlds collided. Cramped and depressing, you brought light into an otherwise dark room.
I guess, I should simply say thank you for all the smiles.
With the little I have,
The Outsider
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