Story -

La Luna

La Luna

 La Luna 

     The moon’s pale fingers of light shone down on the barren working docks below. The turbid water was splashing softly against the black mussel piers that dotted the harbor. A crisp, cool wind stated the end of summer and the beginning of the colder seasons that lay in store for the inhabitants of Southport.

       Chester Bradwhick was the only soul walking the dock that early morning. As a stranger, he is an intimidating person to meet. At a height of 6, 2, he had broad shoulders and towered over most men. His ashy brown hair was always kept and his clothing was always clean and as wrinkle free as he could manage. Despite his older age, he always maintained an erect posture. But what are most noticeable about him are his ever vigilant eyes that shone a bright green like a ripe Granny Smith apple. Despite his respectable appearance, he walked alone tonight on the dock out of sleeplessness. He has been anxious the past month worried about the journey that lay in store for him.

      As a merchantman, he had his fair share of stories from adventures past to be told, but none this long and arduous that lay ahead. He walked towards his carriage, a medium-sized vessel that he was proud to call his own. She was old and worn out in many places, but she still got the job done. La Luna, his own home away from home.

      Whenever nights like these over came him, as they have many times, this was his sanctuary. He walked on his ship and immediately had a sensation of euphoria. He always did whenever he stepped on to the weather-worn deck. Captain Bradwhick walked to his quarters and acquired more happiness as looked at his sparsely, decorated room. With a desk in one corner and a bed in the other, he was always told aside by other captains that his room could use a woman’s touch. He retired to his cot and closed his eyes. The waves gently rocked the boat from the side to side as if it were a cradle. His body felt numb against the soft sheets. He needed these last few hours of sleep for tomorrow when the journey began. He soon felt his eyelids grow heavy and he knew that he would get those few hours. Not even regrets would keep him awake.


I walked down the pier in a quick gait down towards my ship. The dock was bustling with movement in every crevice, corner and nook with nobles and peasants walking alike. The sun slowly rose from its slumber and stretched its golden rays across the city. Warmth slowly sank in to my skin as I walked down the water-worn cobble street. My ship was about to leave when I walked on. Great first impression I was making. I was about to sneak in to my quarters and hope no one saw.

“Well, it seems our navigator has had some ‘timely’ problems.”

I turned around and saw Hugo, a burly Russian sailor. He has been my good friend since our trip to Iceland seventeen years ago.

“I was hoping I didn't look too conspicuous,” I replied. “My housemaid was having problems cleaning the right way. That’s my luck; I get the one housemaid in England that can’t clean correctly.”

“No problem my friend, I’ll try to make sure that the captain doesn't find anything out.”

At that moment, the captain seemingly materialized behind me, as if Hades was here to take my soul.

“There’s no need for that Hugo, some things are found out on there own.” Bradwhick said.

I turned to meet the captain, hoping that I would be able to explain things easily to him… until I saw his face.

    An enormous thunderstorm in my brain suddenly loomed on the edge of madness. Abject confusion. That’s the closest I can get describing the feeling. My mind was utter chaos. An enormous thunderstorm of the brain looming on the edge of madness. It took all of my will power not to either buckle with fear or go in to a frenzy of rage. I kept my calm manner, however, for several reasons. One of which was to create a clear plan that I could execute later, when… I was more wholesome. Retribution was at hand.


“Navigator.” That’s something I wouldn't think about this man. Barely coming up to my shoulders, he looked like one of the thirteen year-old boys that would watch us curiously from the docks. He neither looked the strongest or wisest as well. Those characteristics didn't matter to me as much, though it would be nice; all that mattered was his ability to work with maps.

“May I ask why you are late Mr.…?” Bradwhick said.

“Walters, sir.” I said. “I was having trouble with my housemaid. I apologize for my lack of promptness.

“Be that as it may, Mr. Walters, I expect all of my crew members to be at their stations on time.” Bradwhick said. “Don’t even consider coming back on this vessel if it happens again. Understand?”

“Crystal, sir,” Walters said.

I watched as Walter’s walked away and ran to his station. He was acting suspicious for some reason. Why did Hugo look at him strangely after the discussion as well? Something didn't seem right. Despite these problems, I believed that he would do a good job. I could tell by the steely look in his eyes as if he had his mind focused on one task.


Walters was tossing and turning in his bed loudly tonight. Everyone in the sleeping quarters was noticing and everyone was getting annoyed. After half an hour of the wood creaking and moaning, Hugo finally got up and went to go talk to Walters. If you listened closely, you could here all of the other shipmates give a sigh of relief.

“Come on Walters, you’re going to get thrown overboard if you don’t stop,” Hugo said with a laugh. “You’re killing everyone with your creaking.

“Sorry about… just a little sleepless tonight, that’s all.” Walters said, I think I’ll go out for some air, hopefully I’ll tire myself out.”

“OK… I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Hugo said, “Enjoy yourself”                                       

“Don’t worry, I will.” Walters said with a satisfying demeanor.


It was Midnight aboard La Luna… one of my favorite times as a captain. All was quiet aside from the waves lapping softly on the sides of the boat.  The ocean was an endless mirror tonight against the unearthly moonlight. I watched as silent, pillars of ice slunk by the ship as testaments of time. How nice it would be to be doomed for an eternity of floating around the world. How nice it would to be someone else. Times like these are great for thinking, remembering… and regretting. The look in his eye as I left him dead is still in my mind. It wasn't my fault though? How could I have gotten him on ship? The worst of all was the boy’s face. I’ll never forget the way that his eyes changed from a look of youthful innocence to a look of dread in a matter of minutes. A look as if he lost his soul. 


Hugo ran to the edge of the boat as the ship’s warning bell rang. The captain is nowhere to be seen and we have been looking all morning. All of the crew was searching… besides Walters. Hugo ran to the sleeping quarters and found Walter’s on his cot.

“Walters get up; do you not here the bell?” Hugo said.

“I’m coming, give me a moment.” Walter’s said.

Walters got up and Hugo could have sworn that he saw a grin sneak across his face before he left.

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