Learning The Rules (Excerpt from book 'My Diane' available at iuniverse)

Out of the blue, April handed me a key to her house. She made it official. Now I was living with her. I moved out of my brothers’ house without hesitation, and he was pissed. He and his wife looked forward to the little rent money I struggled to pay them each month. April wanted no rent. So the decision to leave was easy. Blood loyalty is one thing, but good sex and free rent trumped it eight days a week.
My life was perfect. Until the day she asked me to come with her to visit her family in Nova Scotia. I felt uncomfortable with the idea, but I couldn’t find a way to refuse and risk compromising the arrangement. Suddenly I realized that I had no real leverage once I moved in with her.
We went outside for a walk later that same night and I made a random comment about the full moon. Then she looked at me with such a serious face that I felt I had just tossed her an insult. We were getting along great all day, until I starting talking about the moon. It was not really full yet; according to her. They had an expression for that kind of moon in Nova Scotia they called it a ‘shy moon.’ The last thing I wanted to do was get into an argument, especially about something as meaningless as the moon. But I was looking up at this full lit tennis ball in the sky that for all my life I considered a full moon. It was right above me. It was obvious that the moon was full. She was stubbornly defiant.
When we got back to her room though, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Arguing was a weird aphrodisiac. I was a wild rabbit pumping out of control with no angry thoughts about the moon. April gave me this look that was a cross between; what got you so worked up, and please don`t stop. Blissful silence settled in the room after we both reached pleasures' peak. Words were scattered somewhere, and needed a few minutes to come back. Suddenly I realized that sex was more than a physical act with the two of us, it was the essence and ethereal place we created and shared. Neither of us understood it or wanted to, I was always in awe after, as if I had just seen a fallen star on a cloudless summer night.
I was starting to realize how alike we were. Neither of us wanted to give in to each other and we were both very opinionated. Sex was the only way we could resolve anything. It dawned on me that we could not exist together without physical intimacy. It was our oxygen. The trip to Nova Scotia would be a test. I was worried that her parents would not understanding if we started arguing about something stupid, and needed to pound each other speechless to resolve it.
That night I was still wide awake as she slept soundly. I turned and gazed at her back and shoulders moving up and down. She snored in such a pleasant way. It sounded musical; like a soft tuba being played at the bottom of a deep well. We slept in the nude with a night light plugged in nearby. It took some time to adjust to the fact that she was afraid of the dark. She claimed the night light was for helping her see the restroom door, but I knew she was afraid of the dark. The restroom door was on her side of the bed just a few feet away. I could find it with my eyes closed. It was amusing that a self-confident strong willed woman like her possessed such a childish fear and had to lie about it.
I didn’t mind the light on though. I was fascinated just watching her sleep that night. When she turned just right one of her breasts was fully exposed. Swollen pink nipple appeared inches from me to be sucked and licked to my hearts’ content. One arm stretched above her head like the Statue of Liberty as she turned on her back. The other arm moved and settled across the other breast. She displayed graceful movements even in sleep. Her feet fascinated me the most. They were small and delicate looking with toes that had a way of stretching apart when she found her comfort spot.
My penis began throbbing like an infected cut, watching her twist and turn—adjusting under the green flower patterned sheet that hugged her shape and only covered below the navel. I started kissing her warm chin, feeling breathing on my face, tasting the mild saltiness of her neck and nibbling on soft ear lobe to wake her. She opened one eye, looked at me in a mean hard way and kicked me hard on my leg, enraged. Wordlessly she closed her eye again and fell back into sleep as before. I just about fell off the bed horrified.
In the day or night when she was awake I could have her anytime I wanted, but once she fell asleep I realized that I could only watch and inhale the scent of her body. I had to go jerk myself off in the washroom sink, as the pressure became too heavy for me to tolerate.
We would be heading early the next morning to Nova Scotia. I fell asleep easily when I got back to the bed, and I had learned an important role about waking her up: Avoid doing it unless the house was on fire.
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Great story, I love it, My applause, My love
fifth paragraph about the parents not understanding is a small typo Chris, it should be would not wound. love the write sexy as hell.
wow, thanks for for commenting on this one, Lisa, and I fixed the error, I haven't gotten a chance to check that word in the hard copy of the book; it cost a lot of money to edit it, I hope they caught that, just saying, cheers, my friend, glad you liked
love it... very interesting and insightful