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LGBTQ+ Community Deserves Equality

LGBTQ+ Community Deserves Equality

The LGBTQ+ community deserves the same support like the straight people have. Why are they treated differently from everyone else? Why are they discriminated? What did they do? They have done nothing wrong, yet people saying being gay,lesbian,pansexual is a sin. A girl can like a girl just like a guy can like a girl. A guy can like a guy just like a guy can like a guy. What’s the problem if they like a boy or girl? There shouldn’t be a problem no matter the sexuality of a person. We are all equal and should be treated like it. There shouldn’t be a reason that a person of the LGBTQ+ community should treated unfairly and feel that they shouldn’t like who they like. These protest at a pride event make the people closeted and feel like they don’t belong. This feeling is really bad. Feeling neglected and treated unfairly how would you like to be treated like that? You wouldn’t want to be treated like would you? So why would you treat people you don’t even know like that and make them feel like they can’t have their own beliefs and be with the one they love. It’s not fair to them. They didn’t do anything to you or anybody so why treat them with such disrespect? I have noticed that people are going up to a couple that’s apart of the LGBTQ+ community and saying “Can you please stop this is a public place?” The mordacity saying that to someone you don’t even know and ruining their day. You don’t know if the person is su dial and thinking bout killing themselves, so now you just committed first degree murder. The one person you say that too could end their life thinking they are not good enough and get criticized for their sexuality those words might end a persons life. You ever think about that have you? Remember watch what you say to others. Those words could be that last and drive them over the edge. Parents. If your child is a member of the LGBTQ+ community then you either know or they told you. Some parents support their children and are happy for their child or children. Some children are scared of coming out to their families and saying there this or that. To those parents who know that their child is LGBTQ+ member and don’t support them, how dare you. That is your child. Your flesh and blood. You neglect them for being themselves, it’s not their fault they are like this. They should be strong and standing proud of what they are not being afraid if they are accepted or not in the family or anywhere, now it is not just parents it’s also others like school bullies. A child might get made fun of for coming out as a LGBTQ+ member and they should be bothered by it. In schools there is usually more members there and they can support each other and be happy as they are and not being negative about themselves and who they are. In Sandusky, Ohio the high school has a Straight- Gay alliance. This is important for the students to be accepted and not judged by the heterosexuals. Programs like these can help many students. Now since I’m a member of the LGBTQ+ community I am not writing this due to my beliefs but what I observe. People getting criticized by their sexuality isn’t right either way. My question still remains the same, Why are the LGBTQ+ community members treated differently from heterosexuals? From my personal experience my family does not support me and my sexuality. The only person who actually supports me is my Pansexual Aunt and my grandmother. My friends support me and my sexuality. Many people at my school also support many of the LGBTQ+ bulling for being apart of the great community is really rare. I’m working on making a alliance between all of these members in a safe place where we can all be there for each other and talk to each other when we need help and feel helpless. I have felt this way and my aunt has helped with this and so have my supportive friends. I know what it feels like to be a outcast in a family and I want to let anyone know if you are apart of the LGBTQ+ community we welcome you and our supporters will support you as well.

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William Wallace

Well said.
Live and let live.
Unfortunately there is a lot of ignorant humans on this small planet.
How can a religion be godly when some disagree with same sex love and marriage.
Ignorance and hate is rife in a lot of human traits.
Well written.
Don't let the bastards get you down.

Mya Dobbs

Thank you for reading and commenting! Glad you enjoyed the article!

Mya Dobbs

Thank you for your opinion I’m glad you enjoyed this article 

Terry Kay

I agree with you.  We all have human rights.  I can't imagine a mother not supporting and loving her child.  I am sorry for your pain.  I have never met a person from the LBGTQ community that I didn't like.  I always point out to people that you never hear on the news violent or criminal activities from LBGTQ community.  Isn't hate, violence and murders the real problem in our world.  If you haven't noticed most people aren't very intelligent.  Prejudice is a form of stupidity! Keep writing.  Love, Terry Kay



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