Lost and Found Soul

So tired of feeling out of place.
I know I have so much potential
to be great but I just watch it go
by. Why do I torture myself so?
My dreams seem like they are
millions of miles out to sea and
here I am left on top of my
capsized ship, left floating in
the storm, breathing in the sea
air, left wondering when will
I forget the world and just
go after what I want in life.
The hardest battle you will
ever fight is within yourself and
only you have the key to planning
a successful future.I will stop making
excuses and just get what I want
I can only blame myself for my
successes and failures what am
I afraid of? Riches? Fame?
Success? Failure? My life is a
work of art and every moment
should be treated as such.
I am a diamond baby, I've came
so far and have struggled much.
led a life saturated in carbon and
darkness, but though it all I have
came out victoriously and beautiful
I will no longer be afraid of life.
I will create what I want in this life.
I have love, peace, compassion,
anger, hatred, kindness, patience,
light, prayer, help from the Divine.
There is no way that I can fail in the end.
One word my friend, ~doubt.
Never doubt yourself, for as Long as I've known you now
You have battled before my eyes. With ups and downs,
Always willing to support you in your travels as a dear friend,
You have a passion inside your soul built-in nothing can take it away from you
Just let go of yesterday and start fighting for today,
Don't worry about tomorrow God has big plans for you
Just trust in the you, you are now,
Go shine Dustin~ let be what will be, it's destiny.
Love you mate, nardine xox
Love you Nardine! :) OXOX
I sense this is a HAPPY VICTORY DANCE!
All the way to the end...
Great Write Dustin...
Never again will I doubt. <3 you friend and I hope this comment finds you well. :) OXOX