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Lost And Not Know It

    We live in a World where the real is lost sight of, for the false evidences appearing real. Fear, eclipses God's mercy, makes a mock of His warnings, and like Noah, probation can slip into an eerie silence, that allows the wrath of God to showcase His why's. Long before the coming of God in the clouds, like a thief in the night, men and women, will be pronounced lost, amid their marrying and eating and drinking, yet none will have the slightest notion that probation and grace, have been taken off the table.
    The bible says that God is long suffering, not willing that any should parish, however, the same grace that God extends to all men is the same that is use to accuse God of being tolerant to sinners. Why does God allow this and allow that, when in fact, God is not slack at all, but is long suffering towards sinners. Not that God loves the plight of men and women, oh no, this could not be further from the truth, God hates every evil way, yet God has to allow freedom of choice to stand, even if that choice, takes the life of His only begotten. Mercy was extended to us at an infinite cost to God Himself, but please make no mistake, God's patients with Sin will come to an end.
   Warnings go unheeded on many levels, but to have God's warnings go unheeded is the greatest mistakes men and women can make. It is true that bad things happen to good people, and Saints and Sinners die for reasons that stagger the mind. However, God is just, and does not send punishment without first sending warnings.  Like Noah, God sent a flood because the people became so vain inself deception, that evil was continually their diet, both day and night. Unlike Noah, God is not trying to save to prolong our generation, oh no, God is seeking to redeem from among us a people who will repopulate the Earth when it is made new.
     Noah preached for one hundred and twenty years, to a stiff necked people, and when the time came, God told Noah to get on the boat. Even though the people watched while an unseen hand close the door on that Ark, they were unmoved and unrelenting. Similar to them, are the times in which we live, and similar still is the daunting task of keeping up with the crime and vice that seems to grow with each and every waking day. What is even more sinister, is the fact that a small Elite want to bring back the rule of Cain, or the spirit of Baal worship, and reduce the God of the bible to a mere memory. Once again, God has called on a few faithful men and women to sound His last warning, as recorded in Revelation 14:6-12. This warning is being proclaimed World wide and with effect. Yet, while this message is being sounded, some have never heard it, nor are they aware just how deep and abiding the dark clouds are that surround its forecast.
     At some near point in history, God will say enough, and the last sermon would have been preached, and the last soul to give their heart to God would have surrendered, and grace will have run it's course. The funny thing about grace, it was always unmerited to begin with. And now as freely as it was given, as quickly, it will be taken away. It is at this point, that demons who for the longest have concealed their intentions, will show their hand in an open forum the likes this World till then would have never seen. Only then will it be apparent that something is amiss, but the World by then will be too far gone to change, and worst will be without the Holy Spirit to facilitate such a change. Sin, sinners and nature will be on a collision course with destiny, and dark and death will know numbers in untold missilry. Yes men and women will curse God then and with good cause, for the death and mayhem that will be seen will stagger the mind, and still Jesus would not have come. Like Noah, the Saints will be locked in Jesus, with the World looking on. Probation has been closed, and what salvation that was available, is no longer pleading God's grace. No one has any idea, of what is near at hand, nor indeed can any of us.
     Now God is speaking, to whosoever, and the responds comes, in the form of rape victims, in the form of perpetrators who under conviction repent of their evil deeds. None of us are righteous, no not one, we all have hid our faces from God and need time and salvation, if indeed we can hear His voice while the Holy Spirit still pleads. But a time is coming, when the voice of plea will be stilled, not at the second coming of Christ, oh no. At a time of God's choosing, when He say, he that is just, let him or her be just still, he or she that is holy, let them be holy still forever. He or she that is unjust, let them be unjust still. We hear many voices from the pulpit to the city hall, all telling us what is relevant, but truth be told, in that day, it will be clear as to what was not. Don't let your ignorance keep you from approaching God for yourself. For I tell you, all that is needed is for you to cry to God for yourself and ask Him if what I am saying is true. God is not a man that He should lie. God will answer you, and better yet, will guide you as to what and where He will have you to be. If I am lying, what difference will it make, we will all just die and for nod. But if I am right, and this is all true, consider yourself Warned...nj 

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