Story -

A Made Up Mind

With it's belly and thighs on blocks, and rust at work everywhere and in-between, the love of my life set there winking at me as if ready to go for her daily spin about town or anywhere else my mind could conjure up. Hopping into her seats sitting above her chassis with my feet barely touching her peddles, my eyes could not behold the street. But what my eyes did not see, my mind made up for, as I started the engine and before long was in town several miles away. My zip zap crossings over 24 square miles gave blush to any helicopter pilot, for I was deep into my drive as if the only one on the road who knew the way or the rules. Every time my Dad drove us kids to a new location, I would pay close attention to the routes and the sound his taxi made as it winged it's way to and fro. And sure enough, when I hopped in my Grandpa's blue truck, secured still, she came alive with a growing boy's mind. The gear selector was most interesting, for it was moved by pushing the first peddle to the floor before shifting, a move I felt all grown up about. When I got to the place when I felt by instinct what my Dad would do on every hill and stop sign, I gave up ole girl and told her thanks for teaching me how to drive. At the age of 18, I told a friend I wanted to use his car to get my drivers license. He asked me what practice did i have, I told him my Grandpa's truck. He assumed it had wheels, and I allowed him. He handed me the keys to his car and told me to take it for a spin in the park...without blinking, I took her for a spin and done myself proud. He then took me to a place for showing me how to park, and in less then 20 minutes, I was done. The next day i took my driving test and passed with flying colors. Not until now in my 53rd year have I written down that my driving experiences came from a truck that sat on concrete blocks. It only goes to show, that a made up mind, can solidify visions...nj

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