
Pulled up to the market today on my peddle bike, free parking attendant was usual with her happy self and pointed me to a place to rest my good and faithful. The gentleman attendant, had to adjust his game then tagged me with two tickets, one for the bike and the other for my pick-up. I eased on to see what five euros would buy me, and walked through the market like a big boss.
Dressed like an African American, walking like a Bermudian, and smelling like a french man, gave me the usual glances from a Holland crowd, but I was braced for attack. With my eyes roaming the stands, and bumping into moving butts and juggling what not, I kept to the script, findings and discoveries under five euros. Just then my eyes hit them. A package of six wraps I can use for chimmie-chungas...oh! don't panic, just a word I use to use in my family before I got fire. Anyway, these nice size wraps, I can put a nice meat souse in and then sizzle them in a light pan till golden brown, whip out the sour cream and walla. Fifty cents a pack. Gimmy two sir! Yup! one euro, and four more to go.
Hat tilted to the side, and lime green side bag to store my goods, and again I was off. The crowd was buffed with their Attitudes and little gratitude, but we know our place amid these folk. One tall black dude, eating what look like was eating him, barred my way. For a minute, folk thought we were together, for his move seemed one step ahead of mine. Until it must have dawned on him I might be following him. I must admit, My presence is noticeable from yards away, maybe because I walk like I'm somebody, and lean like I could be crazy, so if you have someone like that behind you for more then a brief moment, you might want to check your route just to be safe. So when the brother took a strange dip, I smiled and keep it moving. A few steps that is, for there was a woman selling some sweet bread with jelly in the middle and I have to scap up a few coins just to see what she was working with.
A quick reminder about my four euros, made me slide pass sweet lady and her donuts, and before long, I was standing outside french-ware. There was a silk shirt my size for 5 euros, I almost shed a tear, but had to adjust myself and keep moving. Along the way, I could not help notice a chocolate lady with an extra size bum, walking a bit infront of me, trying to see if I was interested in her belongings. Yes, I did notice the big butt, and yes, I was headed in the same direction she was headed in. But like the dude who was eating his helping, I was walking with him, but I had no interest in him nor her. But that news flash never got to her, so she became somewhat preoccupied with me and my movements so much so, she too took a dip more stranger then ole dude did to shake me. Again I just smiled to myself, and stayed focus on my now four euros.
I got to the end of the line for which the market swings to bring me back up stream. Just then a very healthy white lady spoke to me so lovely and polite, and pulled from me in kind and the vibe boomed bright about us as I kept moving. I paused here and there, hoping to find some lotion for which my trigger like finger could obtain, but just was not to be. Just then there she was, the big butt lady. She spotted me, and did a three hundred and sixty, and dashed the other direction. If I didn't have full reigns on my emotions, she would have given me a complex. But I always leave home with enough tickets to allow people to be who they are, thus giving them the right to hate or love or leave nate jones...I'm good.
I spotted a woman I had a run in with, and eased crossed her as if childish. But here is the story, I brought from this lady's venue every time I went to the market, but on one occasion, I stacked up my good like I always did, and when I was finished stacking I paid for my good as usual. On this occasion, some white dude saw that I had picked up the last of something, and helped himself to my good while i was still collecting the last of my purchase. When I approached the lady about it, she sided with the white man as if who or what I was became irrelevant to her. No! I did not show out or act the fool, I just simply, paid for what was there, and smiled as I left. I have been smiling ever since. That man had one time to buy from her, I brought two times a week, now my shadow waves to her, not that it matters, it may not, but for me, childish or not, I don't have no business there, end of story.
OK, I got four euros in my pockets and I'm coming to the end of my winding through the market. Hey, two chicken legs for !.30 euros each. I paused at the chicken place, who by the way, I had a run in with this lady too. Only this lady called me stupid, on account that she asked me something in dutch, and I responded as if I knew what she was saying, and she handed me two chicken legs raw. When I pointed to the bar-b-Que ones on sale...she smiled and called me stupid under her breath. But that is a stale mate...I deserved that one and swallowed my pride and sucked that one up. I let her know I heard it, had to do that, just to keep from additional aggravations. Nevertheless, as I was standing there to order my two Chicken legs, an African brother came waving 20 euros at the attendant as if it was gold and he was in a hurry.
There were two people working there, and neither of them paid him no mind. But with a smile and pure aggression, this dude would not be denied. It look like he was fleshing a brend new bill, and by the looks of things he took one good look at me and notwithstanding my french smell, his superhuman eyes looked in my pocket and called me out. I stepped back, and allowed the brother to take first place, and he did so as if he was smack dead in Africa and his dad was the witch doctor. But for an African lady would pulled up moments after me, who told the attendant I was there before her, I was server before money bags, and to her smling delight I got my two chicken legs then bid all farewell.
With wraps and chicken legs in hand, and a few pennies left to splurge, I went back to sweet lady. And picked up two donuts with jelly in the middle, and went somewhere to celebrate. I sat beneath a big big statue, and in it's shade tore up the chicken and donuts. without napkins or drink. Yup, I am a bushman, but I'm me...