Momentum of Movement

 Seeking truth and wisdom finds the power of knowledge. But with great power comes great responsibility and if it's used for the greater good it's a power inspired by the truth, serving Justice with clarity to see freedom. Though It's unfortunate when power  overthrows itself as so often it does. Revolution, can put so many lives in exile or it can save the face of a nation. Held back by the deepened nail to fall victim to genocide like the tutsi refugee's  Front Patriotique Rwandais taking on the hutu who once before committed the mass murder with almost a million in deaths, causing the Tutsi to flee and become refugees just for the FPR to be overpowered, killed and banished from Rwanda several year's later. Or impacted by the suffering of others illiterate, hungry and poor that creates a burning desire to help those in need just like Che' guvera with His experiences and studying of  Marxism–Leninism led him to posit that the Third World's underdevelopment and dependence was an intrinsic result of imperialism, neocolonialism, and monopoly capitalism, with the only remedy being proletarian internationalism and world revolution. He has evolved into a quintessential icon of various leftist movements bringing equality and fairness to Cuba through guerilla warfare with the revolution of Cuba. Brought up with 3,000  books in his house and parents that support left wing politics. He was often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. involving a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others, as well as having the belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. With comparing the difference on how revolution can be capitalised do you think it can be done without violence or force? Even if courage or morale is diminished by fear and the sheer fact that no matter what is desired by the governments or Republican s whether it wants a republic, dictatorship, communism, Marxism, socialism, imperialism, a democracy or neo colonialism, its probable influential and free will can change everything for nothing is constant. And when the simple frame of mind of having thoughts of freedom is gone, temperance lacks diligence, consisting of purged indulgences. As darkness is swept in through the cracks beneath your mind, Blocking out the light that was around you. You give in to temptation with the desire to only serve thy self, ranting, raving and easily enraged embarking on a mission to never overcome selfishness and egotism. When all along in knowing that the collective unconscious has a profound influence on the lives of individuals, who have lived out their symbols and clothed them in meaning through their experiences. Could this be hypothesis of the creators experiment, or is it having complete faith in and serving only God?
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