It was the beginning of March when I first met you. You were so happy and exciting when I texted you. I could of sworn you weren't meant for me to forget you. With all the coronavirus concern I could care less to contract it from you. We shared a salad because I was nervous when I met you. You used your smile, your MD, Jesus and smartness for me to catch you.
I trusted you. I wish I could of forgotten all the things you said before I really got to know you.
I couldn't eat or speak but you made me laugh and forget how I felt about you. We walked around the lake and made jokes about cake. You kissed me first and I felt my heart burst. We got in your car but I could feel myself wanting to run away before I get myself runover in your Range Rover.
We went to your Dollhouse were you could play Ken and I could play Barbie. I waited for you in the couch while you came out dressed in your doctor outfit.
I could of waited, I could of left but your touch kept me grounded every minute I was there. You pulled the moon and the stars for me to fall for you and you won and I lost. I would of never given in if you wouldn't of used your smile, Jesus, smartness--because thats all I needed to hear and see from you to give in.
Sometimes I want to blame it on the aspartame in the Diet Coke that scientist say will make you forget. Maybe it makes him forget what love really is. Maybe that's just what it is--maybe its not his ego or the fact that he got what he wanted and he no longer needs it. Maybe just maybe he's not a bad guy.
Maybe 10 years from now you'l completely forget me along with everyone you've ever known. I could of sworn you said you were 50 but I found out you were 4 more years older. Maybe you just forget your age. I blame it on the aspartame. Because even now I still believe your a good person.
I could of sworn you promised to show me affection and love but you were too busy looking for Ms. Perfect. I wasn't perfect but I also wasn't a 54 year old living alone without a partner or kids. It was too good to be true because maybe your just waiting till the end to forget your life away.
I had a luxury that Mr. Doctor doesn't have and thats love and youth. Something Mr. Doctor Loveless will never have. He is Doctor Loveless and I fell for him when all the sadness in the world happened.
Like 0 Pin it 0Doctor Loveless was a virus that contracted me and made me ill from all the love in the world. I guess it's time for me to find a cure to protect and heal me from your sickness.