My daily school life

I am a girl who is 14 years old, I am a girl who is in year 9. I am a girl who has 4 other siblings, I am a girl who has just 1 mum. I am a girl who has not even 1 friend, who sits in the toilets at break and pretends that everything is alright. I am a girl who cries at school in the toilets so that nobody see's. I am a girl who's arm only bleeds. I am a girl who will inflict some self pain, just to make sure that she's not going insane. I am a girl who goes home and cries, who lies to her mum and says that she's fine. I am a girl who tells her mum that she's eating at a mates but actually cries in the park and is filled with self hate. I am a girl who thinks writing this will help, I am a girl and this is what my life's about. I am a girl who is 14 years old, with nobody there or a hand to hold....
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Oh gosh sweety that brought a tear to my eyes, I felt your pain, I understand what you wrote for I was once a girl who was 14, with not one real friend, I'd walk around the school alone and lie to my mum, I used to self harm as well.
if you ever need to chat to someone that gets it please feel free to message me ok
Thank you so much L.P, glad to see that somebody can relate to me and that I'm not the only person in the world who's having a low time... xx