My life story and cannabis my saviour. Here is why....

Hospital Seminar on my life storyÂ
And the teachings of a new wave
Of Medicinal use of Cannabis.
Hello, my name is James Bevan and Iâm thankfully,
Due to cannabis and will power alone,
Im proud to be stood here Alive to tell you my life story and what Iâve learned about this little known healing qualities of this special plant and how it has saved my life for the last 20 years!
I really think this needs to be done and I would love to be the person to do it as I actually have a story to tell on the subject as is saving my life and I just have cannabutter now instead of smoking it to be allowed to have it on the ward.
So my aim Once better or even before if can be organised quickly enough I would like to do this seminar/video seminar for you all.
These are the points I will be covering but in no particular order
1. An introduction to myself and my life story battling cancer for 20 years.
2. To Explain the fact it is now being medically supplied legally.
3. To explain about the endocannabinoid system and th drs findings from 1966 about it and how it works.
4. To show a short video of Dr christine Sanchez to show her advances with cannabis and cancer back in the 90s.
5. Just to educate so nobody gets treated in the manner I have been.
6. Read my âto the unsung heroesâ poem to show my thanks....
Before I tell you of my mythical like story,
I would just like to let you know that Iâm not a Dr or clinician in any way, shape or form.
 But what i am, is part living proof of why cannabis is now legally prescribed today.
No more did I think I would be scrutinised for the medical use of this magical healing herb as I now hold a legal prescription and I believe my purpose in my life is to pass my story and knowledge on to help educate, hopefully, not just Ipswich hospital but hopefully those of our whole nation.
It's in the bible in 20 or so verses yet we donât get taught that in church. It's also in there for 12 different uses. One being healing.
Iâm not religious, but in the book of Matthew,
of some sect of christianity,
It states that,
ââAny preacher of mine that doesnât preach the healing powers of this plant of mine,
Is no priest of mine''
Or very similar wording.Â
Yet no church I know of has ever preached the verses I have read but iâm not here to give you a religious sermon,
But I am here to âpreach' to you,
The powers of this magical and natural herbal chemo,
Itâs anti-tumour affects, being a massive preventive for cancer, amongst so many other medical uses.
Much less harmful than the chemicals that nearly killed me.
I believe,
 not just Ipswich hospital but hospitals nationwide are going to have a massive influx of patients, just the same as myself whom smoke it,
Take the oils or eat it,
All of which help different pains in different ways.
The best place for me to start is to explain the E.C system or Endocannabinoid system which was founded in the 1970s by an iranian dr. He found that every person has the e.c system receptor within their brains, which is a receptor that produces a lot of the same cannabinoids found within cannabis. If we are not in pain, users generally get higher from it than people who are Ill and need the system refilling from orally taking cannabis in any form to help fight pain or do whatever it needs to do. I.e helping people with epilepsy as well as cancer and so many other health problems. Whereas someone without pain has their receptors full all the time, hence why they get higher usually easier. Although, like all medications you need to give yourself time to get used to what side affects you have from it if you want it to work.
The main reason Iâm telling you this is because
In My eyes, this needs to be taught to the highest members of the hospitals to then teach or show my video seminar on this matter to everyone under them and so forth.
As cannabis is available In all forms now and legally which has spread nationwide.
 50 plus medical cannabis clinics,Â
With proper Drs being able to prescribe,
Cannabis in any form,
From pharmacies and dispensaries alike across the nation have all of a sudden just popped up too.
All to help in fight against covid and to take peoples mind off of it. It was due to start in line with brexit as it's Theresa Mayâs husband that owns roughly 90% of our medical cannabis industry which was being held back till brexit but the coronavirus forced their hand to open shop early.
I will finish my seminar with a short video from Dr Christine Sanchez explaining howncannabi works with cancer but first hereâs my story....
 to start again The reason I wanted to speak to yourselves, is that I've quite a few poignant issues that I thought the hospital could be bought up to speed with as the subject I'm wanting to discuss is something I'm having a problem and experience myself that by me giving this seminar, would help the whole hospital understand where we stand now on certain medicines and use of. At the same time giving, hopefully, an influential or inspirational talk about my journey in life and how im a walking miracle to still be hanging in there today,
Yesterday and for as long as my fate will allow.Â
So if I start by telling you my story 1st and then hopefully you'll understand my reasons for wanting do have a seminar for anyone that is junior dr and higher. Even to the directors, ward sisters and matrons to pass the information on through what they would learn from me down to those beneath them so by the end of it the whole hospital will have heard my voice and importantmessage that needs teaching.5 I don't mind it being video recorded for teaching purposes for the staff that work under them. I.e the nurse, healthcare assistants and anyone that works in the hospital.
So back in the year 2000, I was 15 years old and had smoked cannabis since the age of 13. (Remember that, as is relevant later).Â
I was playing tennis and my foot slipped forward in my trainer, and like a hernia, a lump popped out inbetween my little toe joint and index toe. I was told was fine but because uncomfortable I finally got them to remove it at 17 yrs old. The dr didn't get a 2nd opinion as he was adamant it was non malignant. For 2 years he said I had an Achilles strain as I had pain in my tibia area. He just sent me to physio whom on the 1st visit said they didn't think it was Achilles but something else. So for 2 yrs my family and I pushed for an appointment with a specialist foot Dr. During this time I completed a NVQ 2 cheffing course but spent a lot of time off through pain. 5 months after finishing my course I was able to get a job with the celebrity chef Brian Turner after going through a rigorous trial day but got the job with flying colours. A week before starting, on Christmas eve 2004 at the age of 19, I was admitted to the teenage cancer trust ward as my foot Dr at Stanmore hospital told me the dr was wrong 2 years previous as he had asked for a sample of my 1st tumour and found it to be cancerous. He done this as he had found 7 tumours of skin and bone in my right foot, 3 in my right tibia, 1 in left knee and hundreds of 'nodules' of metastatic spread to the lungs of which I had a third of my left lung removed in 2005 to get rid of worst patch there. I was the 7th person in world to have had my skin cancer at that point and the 13th person in the world to have had my bone and lung cancers. The other 19 patients died unfortunately within 8 weeks of contracting it to dying.
The UCLH Hospital in london, under the care of Professor Jeremy Whelan, whom I believe is the best oncologist in the field of rare cancers in the whole world,
was where I was treated for my cancer on the teenage cancer trust ward. Even though I was 19 they felt would be nicer for me in there and it was. They had everything you could think of to keep your mind off your cancer and can't thank them and all the drs involved in keeping me alive enough or ever be able to show them all how truly grateful I am to them all for keeping me still alive today.Â
I was meant to have 6 bouts against the awful chemo/radiotherapy treatment that I wouldn't even wish on my enemies, but it was stopped after 5 rounds in the theoretical ring, as i was being K.Od. Burning and killing me from the inside out. I was told i had roughly 6 weeks left to live in may 2005. I had to go back and fourth to london that week for various scans and after the last set I was called in on the Saturday with my mum and dad when we were expecting it to be the Monday.Â
When we got there the 1st question I was asked by Professor Whelan was what I had in the last week, in the sense of lifestyle choices as it looked like I had 2 to 3 weeks left not what he had hoped would be 5 or 6 still at least.
 Eating, smoking etc.. I said I had given up cigarettes and all of a sudden he burst into laughter and told me I was a silly bugger as I could have gone off and done anything I still enjoyed and jokingly said christ you could have like many do and turn to hard drugs and stopped laughing and said seriously though, there's got to be something else. As soon as I muttered the words well I gave up can... at which he jumped in and said please don't tell me you've given up cannabis? As after a lot of thinking and looking at each time you had chemo/radiotherapy your cancer would spike then luckily for you now, you were discharging yourself after 3 days and going home to smoke your cannabis. For the rest of the 3 weeks and your cancer would flat line every time. He said because I smoked cannabis from the age of 13, by the age of 15 I was already keeping my cancer back. So he asked me to go home and research Dr Sanchez and her amazing work with cancer and cannabis in the early 90s' and the findings of a system in our brain called the endocannabinoid system by an Iranian Dr in 1972. I'll tell you more about both in a minute...I'm lucky enough to know a Dr that went over to work with this amazing microbiologist for 3 years and bought his learning back here to help people, like myself with cannabis oils and different tinctures for different types of cancer or other known diseases and addictions.
I went home and smoked as much as I could in that 1st week and went back a week later and we were gobsmacked. All my tumours had appeared to have stopped completely in their tracks. Needless to say, but I've smoked cannabis ever since. The most any of my original tumours have grown from 2005 till now is by 2mm! And all down to cannabis. Although It hasn't killed it, it has stalled it for 2 decades now. And although I was told I was infertile, I managed to have 3 beautiful boys, now 8, 10 and 13. All of whom are my Suffolk young carers as their mother cheated over Christmas 2016 and left the 4 of us on july the 2nd 2017. She only sees my boys 1 night everyother week which kills me but they are my everything and wouldn't have it any other way. They are my world adding already to the masses of will power I've amassed from the start. I've got the joker card in life. I'm still living but seemingly falling apart. I'm still optimistic as I won't let my cancer take me yet although I found out I've a second type of lung cancer which needs removing soon.Â
All through my children's lives, even though I've been depleting more over last 3 years, I still try to be the best Dad I can and show them you can try your hand at anything in life, within your limits of course, and try to make a living through working whilst also smiling through adversity.
The point of the seminar is to inform the main staff mentioned at start of this video seminar that there are now over 50 ppmedical cannabis clinics that have been allowed to open earlier than Brexit, which is when they earlier had planned to open them then to take peoples minds off of Brexit but there hand was forced to open them earlier to take peoples minds off of the coronavirus and make it legal to get seen by a private Dr to get prescribed any form of medical Cannabis legally and is seen as a proper medication on my prescription Including cannabis you can smoke which is what I've needed and wanted to happen since 2005!
I'm now the 222 proud member to be signed up to 'the medical cannabis clinic' in London and get a fully legal prescription from them.
I'm currently writing this from within the hospital as an inpatient on kirton ward for now as on top of my cancer, a screwed up back from Stenosis of my spine. Causing my bones to be brittle and chip on any fall of which I hit or knock my back and foot and leg drop in left leg.
I've now lost use of my left hand arm and forearm and numb above elbow and all down my left side of my body which is why I'm in here but to also get rid of 4 chest infections I've had since October. For the 1st week I was in here nurses would take me out to smoke a joint outside under bikeshed when need to take 0.5 through smoking it 4 times a day. So a lot of different nurses ended up taking me to smoke it on site and already had an agreement with security as I showed my prescription to them.Â
I was then sat in a side room, with my sister not allowed to enter, 2 security guards on guard like duty but shaking their heads in disbelief at what I was being told. One of the nurses in that appointment was 1 who took me out on one occasion but because the matron of the hospital was bearing down on me she lied and said she didn't know I even had it on ward. I made a point of telling everyone on there, including the 2 ward sisters whom were also in the meeting that i was going to have a joint or some cannabis on more than 1 occasion and they lied too. Denying knowing about it.Â
So I thought to do my bit to help the hospital better under prescription cannabis as, you will start getting a lot more patients coming in that have been prescribed medical cannabis and I don't want them to go through the hell I've had to endure from my 7th day in here after being admitted on the 4th august. as I've been told to hide my 'legally' prescribed cannabis' off of hospital grounds where if found by someone, could get me in a lot of trouble or to get someone to drive a 40 mile round trip 4 times a day just to bring me a ready rolled joint. Meaning if they get pulled over by the police and that was found in their possession, they would then more than likely be arrested.Â
I think that is all the points i have hopefully covered and hope for other patients sakes and mine in the future too as I'm more of a regular here than my local pub, that they and I get the medical recognition that cannabis is another medication and I shouldnât be forced off of site to hide and smoke a prescription drug when Iâm in a wheelchair and chased in through the gates to hospital 3 times now by 5 adults around my age on bikes trying to mug me.
I also wrote a poem for everyone that works within the hospital that don't get the praise they deserve. (My 6th point)
So to finish off, here is my poem I wrote whilst in hospital in 2018 to say thank you to all the unappreciated staff that work like bees here is,
To the unsung heroes.... By me, James Bevan
POEM - 18 NOVEMBER 2018, 02:34
To the unsung heroes, which Drs get their praise
James Bevan
Nurses come and nurses go,
Working long shifts,
Caring is just in their flow.
They're all of different nationality,
race or creed.
They all share one thing though,
Caring for all those that are most in need.
Switchover and handover they're ready for anything,
Just as long as their comrades before them tell them what's happening.
Drs you rarely see but their attentiveness is there to see,
but if it wasn't for the nurses with their healthcare,
Where would we be?
even my surgery pharmacists assist me more than my general do,
Just with Drs,
I'll tell you,
We'd be Up shit creek.....
They are the start but can't take you to the finish line ,
That's left to the Drs minions whom take none of the credit for keeping people alive.
The nurses,
Healthcare assistants, cleaners and anyone else involved,
Down to the ladies stirring my coffee so well.
They all tend to different needs,
Without them,
I believe,
We'd be in it up to our knees.
They come along and change your bed,
Not caring for sick or even youâve shit or bled.,
They do their duty and they do it with pride,
These staff are priceless and they do the best they can,
don't take the Mick or for a roundabout ride.
So let's here it for the forgotten and how they take care of your future,
whilst they care for you,
remember their sweet nature.
whether in not in agony or seething pain,
they're there to soothe you and care for you,
come shine or rain.
long shifts,
double shifts,
hours numbing their brains,
I don't know how they do it but am thankful they work as hard as the biggest cranes,
just greatness in completely different ways xx
The Endocannabinoid System
Professionally Explained
Here is some added, hopefully better professionally explained than I, information I found in more simplistic form as possible on the internet for your own reading and also a bit about The Amazing ? Dr Christine Sanchez? whos work is only now starting to do good for our nation now, 28 years behind. Imagine where we would be in medical advancements if we had just listened to her then. If only. Wouldâve saved many a life without horrible chemo rather than the mellow chemo cannabis naturally gives.
(This information is from and medically reviewed by Alan Carter. Pharm D â Written by Crystal Raypole on May 17, 2019
A simple guide of the Endocannabinoid (or E.C) System and how it works
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell-signaling system identified in the early 1990s by researchers exploring THC, a well-known cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are compounds found in Cannabis.Â
Experts are still trying to fully understand the ECS. But so far, we know it plays role in regulating a range of functions and processes, including:
⢠reproduction and fertility
The ECS exists and is active in your body even if you donât use cannabis.
So How does it work?
The ECS involves three core components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes.
Endocannabinoids, also called endogenous cannabinoids, are molecules made by your body. Theyâre similar to cannabinoids, but theyâre produced by your body.
Experts have identified two key endocannabinoids so far:
⢠anandamide (AEA)
⢠2-arachidonoylglyerol (2-AG)
These help keep internal functions running smoothly. Your body produces them as needed, making it difficult to know what typical levels are for each.
Endocannabinoid receptors
These receptors are found throughout your body. Endocannabinoids bind to them in order to signal that the ECS needs to take action.
There are two main endocannabinoid receptors:
⢠CB1 receptors, which are mostly found in the central nervous system
⢠CB2 receptors, which are mostly found in your peripheral nervous system, especially immune cells
Endocannabinoids can bind to either receptor. The effects that result depend on where the receptor is located and which endocannabinoid it binds to.
For example, endocannabinoids might target CB1 receptors in a spinal nerve to relieve pain. Others might bind to a CB2 receptor in your immune cells to signal that your bodyâs experiencing inflammation, a common sign of autoimmune disorders.
Enzymes are responsible for breaking down endocannabinoids once theyâve carried out their function.
There are two main enzymes responsible for this:
⢠fatty acid amide hydrolase, which breaks down AEA
⢠monoacylglycerol acid lipase, which typically breaks down 2-AG
What are its functions?
The ECS is complicated, and experts havenât yet determined exactly how it works or all of its potential functions.
Research trusted source has linked the ECS to the following processes:
⢠appetite and digestion
⢠Chronic pain
⢠Inflammation and other immune system responses
⢠learning and memory
⢠motor control
⢠cardiovascular system function
⢠muscle formation
⢠bone re-modelling and growth
⢠liver function
⢠reproductive system function
⢠skin and nerve function
These functions all contribute to homeostasis, which refers to stability of your internal environment. For example, if an outside force, such as pain from an injury or a fever, throws off your bodyâs homeostasis, your ECS kicks in to help your body return to its ideal operation.
Today, experts believe that maintaining homeostasis is the primary role of the ECS.
How does THC interact with the ECS?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of the main cannabinoids found in cannabis. Itâs the compound that gets you âhigh.â
Once in your body, THC interacts with your ECS by binding to receptors, just like endocannabinoids. Itâs powerful partly because it can bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors.
This allows it to have a range of effects on your body and mind, some more desirable than others. For example, THC may help to reduce pain and stimulate your appetite. But it can also cause paranoia and anxiety in some cases.
Experts are currently looking into ways to produce synthetic THC cannabinoids that interact with the ECS in only beneficial ways.
How does CBD interact with the ECS?
The other major cannabinoid found in cannabis is cannabidiol (CBD). Unlike THC, CBD doesnât make you âhighâ and typically doesnât cause any negative effects.
Experts arenât completely sure how CBD interacts with the ECS. But they do know that it doesnât bind to CB1 or CB2 receptors the way THC does.
Instead, many believe it works by preventing endocannabinoids from being broken down. This allows them to have more of an effect on your body. Others believe that CBD binds to a receptor that hasnât been discovered yet.
While the details of how it works are still under debate, research suggests that CBD can help with pain, nausea, and other symptoms associated with multiple conditions.
What about endocannabinoid deficiency?
Some experts believe in a theory known as clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD). This theory suggests that low endocannabinoid levels in your body or ECS dysfunction can contribute to the development of certain conditions.
In 2016 A article trusted source reviewing over 10 years of research on the subject suggests the theory could explain why some people develop migraines, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome.
None of these conditions have a clear underlying cause. Theyâre also often resistant to treatment and sometimes occur alongside each other. If CECD does play any kind of role in these conditions, targeting the ECS or endocannabinoid production could be the missing key to treatment, but more research is needed.The bottom line
The ECS plays a big role in keeping your internal processes stable. But thereâs still a lot we donât know about it. As experts develop a better understanding of the ECS, it could eventually hold the key to treating several conditions.
Last medically reviewed on May 17, 2019
Dr Christine Sanchez.
Professionally Explained and Her workings in short term
Source.... Wikipedia
Dr. Cristina SĂĄnchez is a Spanish molecular biologist.
She was born in Madrid, Spain in 1971.[1]
She graduated from biology at the Complutense University of Madrid in 1994.
She obtained her PhD with Honors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University in 2000 and went into postdoc studying the antitumoral and other properties of medical cannabis,[1] especially cancer and the therapeutic qualities of cannabinoids.
She has been vocal about popularizing the healing apoptotic effect of cannabinoids on cannabinoid receptor containing cancer cells while leaving the healthy cannabinoid receptor containing cells be.
1. ^ a b SĂĄnchez, Cristina. "Cristina SĂĄnchez homepage at the UCM". Complutense University of Madrid. Retrieved 2017-07-13.
 This article about a biologist is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
Last edited 3 months ago by Kj cheetham
chemical compound
⢠Centre of Biological Research (Spain)
⢠Carlos MartĂnez Alonso
Spanish biochemist
Wow, what a book!Â
That is what I see, maybe the middle of your book? Just ideas for now. I posted on my Face Book page, asking 1. Support in our fundraiser for you and 2. For all 1054, of my Face Book Friends, to pray for you! We have angels surrounding you James. Now, you get better and keep fighting, we have a fundraiser to begin real soon... then, it's off to publication of your first Lifetime Collection of Poetry & Prose by, James Bevan.Â
Dreams are still there to reach... poet!Â