The mysterious girl

I want to tell you a story, an experience, an adventure, a mystery, but I’m not that good so I’m going to tell you about a girl I saw the other day, I’m not sure if this is her story but I would want it to be.
I was sitting in a restaurant with my parents and sister and I stopped listening when they told me to start drinking my meds with their insistent faces. You are our only son, blah blah, I’ve heard it enough already. I looked around with my bored demeanour and saw her.
A girl sat in her chair and looked at the menu, her face lost upon those words or lost upon this reality as I looked at her clothes. Dressed in a certain fashion, I guess, I’m not sure, but it looks dark, interesting and… cool? I guess. Her black leather boots and leather jacket is the only thing I’m certain of. Her black hair hang loose and it seemed to be soft. Soft as a baby’s bottom. Okay maybe not that weird-soft that would be uncool. Her lips were painted red and she shifted uncomfortably. She almost seemed… insecure?
She pulled out her phone almost as if the menu is no more interesting. Her eyebrows lifted in a frown as she concentrated on the small screen. As I looked at the restaurant and at her… I couldn’t help but feel she was out of place, a vintage set out on display but doesn’t fit in the surroundings, but instead she created a vast black centre surrounding her, bringing you in her, a piano on the set, she was the mysterious pianist and I… I was the audience. She played the piano as everyone and everything dulled out. She made me numb with her music, the piano a critical ambivalent of her plays as her world shifted into a brighter light, her clothing transforming into a beautiful evening dress, the colour red and her black hair tied on top of her head, her eyes burning through my very core. Beautiful, I want to scream, extraordinary I breathe inside my heart.
A tap on my shoulder crashed her world into nothing but reality as I looked at my sister. Food. I murmur fish and chips and stare back at her. She was gone. Except for a mysterious red stained serviette. I walked towards her table and looked at the serviette.
The world of mine is not meant for all.
You made it on my list of second best.
I stared at the serviette.
A mysterious world for a mysterious girl.
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AWESOME AWESOME STORY !!! I had to read twice...been in that story a few times.
I am happy you enjoyed it.