On The Flip-Side

There was once a coin who had the head of great king on his one face, but he didn't know what was on his flip side. He belonged to a group of men in a bar, who would often flip him to decide on a wager. 'Heads or tails?' the barman would say to the customer, who would then choose one side of the coin. If he was right in his choice he would win the wager. If he chose wrongly he would lose the bet. And so he was tossed and flipped many times, but still he didn't know who his tail end was, or if there even existed one. And still they tossed him in the air and placed bets day after day, year after year. That was until one day when he landed on his side, instead of face up, or face down. Not only that, but his was spinning around and around on his own axis, as he balanced precariously on his side. Just then he caught a glimpse in the bar counter mirror of his flip side, as he turned around and around for a few seconds, balanced by fate and the will of the gods, in an eternal instant of time. On his opposite side he saw in the mirror, in a few brief glimpses of wonder, the tail of a beautiful swallow. Then he landed flat on his face again, and the bet of the men was won and lost. Yet he now knew for certain that he had an opposite, and a brother in life, and the coin was made complete in the knowing. Seeing is believing. Somebody out there loves me.Â
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