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One key to open your mind

One key to open your mind

I figured out a important part of the meaning of life while eating a cold piece of pizza, staring off into the distance of which is my bedroom wall....I almost completed the puzzle of life.

Everyone has a desire, a soul purpose. As the attraction fades due to difficult obstacle amoung your path hopelessness starts to formulate. That being said, the further you drift the more solitary and inadequate you feel as a person. This is as to why the laws of attraction are important to obey. It will help you open your mind and listen to your inner self, for only you know your own true meaning of happiness. Your subconscious should be heard and acknowledged. During slumber the brain wave activity increases activating and maintaining larger sections of the brain. The mind is powerful while awake, imagine having that same increased capacity while alert in reality. Happiness is conquering your main attraction. Elevation of self-awareness, love, and compassion will fulfill your soul.
Another important aspect of life is to make each day count. Challenge yourself and you will be rewarded.

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Wolf Soul

Vdry nicely written. 

Thank you for sharing.

Jason Brown

I figured out an important part of the meaning of life while eating a cold piece of pizza...

I love this opening image/thought/idea!! The juxtaposition of banality and profundity of this simple, quotidian moment perfectly sets up the rest of the piece.

There is some beautifully clever and subtle writing here; tiny gems of wordplay and turns of phrase which indicate a subtle and questioning mind.

A pleasure to read...and reread.

J ;)

Kimmy Alan

"Happiness is conquering your main attraction."

So true.

Devon La Porte

Hi Alicia, this is pure prose and well written thought in all its ingenuity. Absolutely love how original this write is....well done. Peace.



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