Alarm didn't go off this morning...
Car wouldn't start...
Water was frozen...
Did your day get any better?
Not really Sparrowsong...
I am just glad to be home...
The day is almost over Sparrowsong I don't think anything else will happen...
What is that smell?
I don't smell anything Sparrowsong?
Excuse me?
What is it Sparrowsong?
The oven is glowing...
The oven is on...
Sparrowsong get out of the way...
You might get burned...
I am not the one who has had one of those days...
I think I should be the one to take care of this...
The way your day is going the whole place might catch on fire...
It's still burning...
Maybe you're right Sparrowsong you might have better luck...
Success sort of...
What do you mean Sparrowsong?
I have good news, bad news and really bad news...
How am I not surprised Sparrowsong?
I don't know...
What's the bad news?
What was this?
That was our supper...
It's definitely cooked...
Are we going to eat it?
Go ahead Sparrowsong...
Thank you but I will wait for you...
Should we hold a memorial for it?
I was just asking...
What's the really bad news?
We need a new oven...
What's the good news?
I put the fire out...
Sparrowsong I think I'm going to leave this whole day behind me and take a nice soothing bubble bath and...
Go to bed?
Bed Sparrowsong?
Of course, I don't feel very safe with you up right now...
Sparrowsong where's the bubbles?
Oh yeah...
We are out of them sorry...
I have good news...
You do Sparrowsong?
What is it?
Tomorrow I am sure will be a better day...
You couldn't possibly have two days in a row like this...
Could you?
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good shit your day must of been good to.
but sparrowsong you did have a good day u just don't now it yet
Love the line when you declare you are out of bubbles !!!
That is a bad day but tomorrow is always a fresh start !!! Often you can tackle problems better the next day when the stress has gone out of a situation and you can think more clearly !
Here's looking forward to tomorrow !!! :)
Hugs !
Hello Rick...
Thank you for the comment that has left me going...
I did?
You're right obviously cause I still don't know it was a good day yet...
I mean I guess it was alright...
I just checked and yes...
I'm still in one piece so far and...
Still breathing...
thats good shit then your on a roll
Hello Richard...
Thank you very much!!!
You are so supportive!
Thank you very much again for being there and...
Being you!!!
Hugs!!! :)
Thank you for being there and sharing your wonderful works !!! :)