One Woman At A Time

Standing in line at my college, waiting to be processed, I met her. A young lady more nieve than me. At first her beauty was intimidating so much so that I kept to myself even when she tried to engage me in conversation. Try as I might to be focus on the issue at hand, this rather humble beauty queen engaged me in conversation as if she knew me all her life. Taken a back, I began to warm up to her based on her own personal testimonials of how she Once hitched hiked with a trucker she had never met before. What was most striking about her demeanour, she had no clue on how beautiful she was, or she lived such a sheltered life, she felt at ease in every way to be herself. It was a breath of fresh air to meet a female who wasn't stuck up on her looks and as friendly as she was beautiful. There we were laughing in line and talking up a storm. People who knew me wondered why she was so free at talking with me, because I was usually the more spirituality focus type and she the catch of the whole college. It wasn't long before we exchanged numbers as we got to the point of the line to be served. I had just gotten engaged to a woman in my home land and this woman represented every wish one man would have in two life times if offered.
Sure enough she called me, and before long I was taking her here and there on long walks through the rugged woods in nature. This girl was a trooper, and on her off day, more beautiful without trying than most girls who spent hours in the mirror trying to find the best in themselves. In one spot in the woods, she had made reference to having never been kissed by any man before. As thoughts began to turn over in my head and her trust in me was at an all time high, I gently pulled her to myself looking in her eyes, and When I made contact with her womanhood, I kissed her gently. There was a long pause, and before long we merged from the trail unharmed. Pulling up to the campus I let her out of my car and watched her cascade towards her room on campus. As I reflected on my kiss and her reaction I became somewhat fare full for her wellbeing. I knew the young men on campus and what they could do with such an innocent woman. So I called her up and asked to take her for a drive. She said yes with great excitement and before long we were heading down the road. I asked her after a brief chit chat had she ever seen a man's penis before? Like seeing a Ghost she said no!! I smiled and without warning I pulled out mine. I showed it to her and said this is what it looks like. She looked at it with amazement and wonder. As she did, I took her hand and used it to gently massage it until like a volcano it erupted with white flow in her hand. I then said this is what cum looks like. I could tell she was full of mixed emotions as she began to clean up right there in the park were we later came to rest. We were not in the park five minutes, before once again the car was in motion. We again pulled up to her entrance for her to exit. She looked at me with horror and said I don't ever want to see you again, and slammed my car door and off she went. I stayed there to make sure she went inside safe and I went to my room a friend less. I didn't regret what I had done because I knew she as a female walked a thin line between being a girl and becoming a woman. A few days later I got a call from her asking to see me. Now this time I was a bit scared because I didn't know to what extent her conversation would take me and its outcome. I pulled up and parked, stepping out of my car she met me with an unusual smile. Confused, I said hi, and my puzzled look was met by her puzzling question. She wanted to know how did I know she was curious about those things. Relieved with her question, I asked her to share lunch with me in the school cafe. I told her she made me frighten with her hitch hiking and her nieve friendly way with men. She listened, and then I asked her to go with me on a private walk where we could talk freely. I felt with the knowledge I gave her, it would season her with a foundation better suited to look any man in his eyes because she was one up on him. After listening to me, with tears running down her cheeks she hugged me, and said she had never met anyone like me. I thanked her and walked her back to her room building. The time came for me to leave the college and go home. I got a call from her in the early night. She said it was important that I speak with her before I left to go home. I went and picked her up to see what was so important to her. In the silence of the car she told me she wanted me to take her virginity. I wasn't sure if she was serious or not, but judging by her body language I could tell she meant every word. My mind drifted back to the woman in my homeland who was waiting on me based on my word. I had never once seen her naked let alone have sex with her, and here I was with the most beautiful woman in the whole college with her panties threatening to fall at my say so. What self respecting college student regects the love of a lifetime? But the truth of the matter was my word. I had given one woman my word, and while I was one man in a huge list of man she had been with, I had given her my word to marry her. Knowing I would marry the one promised, I had to do the right thing by this one. She asked me to take her virginity, because she felt that I might still go home and get married. I had told her my plans in previous conversations, and here we were in the middle of darkness with this beauty pleading to be broken into being a woman experienced. I took her by the hand and told her what she was asking was much more than she would be able to handle. Looking in my eyes, she trusted my every word and listened to me in tears. I told her, once that door was open it could never be shut. We walked a little, we hugged a little and my manhood pleaded a little but no, I took her back to campus the virgin she was when first we met. I went home and married the the lady with a child from a previous relationship who had an abortion here and there, but my word was enough and at the Altar I stood toe to toe with her without fear before God. Only years later, I was at the college church working as a deacon serving in the huge homecoming event. I notice two married deacons looking at a woman whose legs were more than enough to make them forget wedding rings. I must admit, from where I stood, she was drop dead gorgeous. And she was so high up in the bleeches, to be able to notice her legs had to mean up close she would be something else. Before long this woman was approaching our table. I had turned away because the other deacons were making fools of themselves and I didn't want to be accused of being apart of their foolishness. The woman stopped in front of me smiling. The deacons looked at me as if I was Cassanova himself. I looked at the woman wondering what help she needed from me when she called me by name. I told the other deacons I was the man who gave a first kiss to her. I was amazed at her beauty and they wondered how I could lose such a gift from heaven. We once again exchanged numbers and before long we met to talk. My wife was out of town, and my friend told me how hurt she was when I refused her. As a result of my refusing her she became a motivational speaker to young women on virginity. I looked at her in tears, and was happy for her. Life choices takes us places where we don't always come away with sweet thank yous... But on this occasion, life rewarded us both...I wish I could say it ended on that note, but the truth be told, I had been with my wife and now she was out of town. I had a deep van with plush seats that could rival any bedroom. But here we were sitting in her car and my looks told of the struggle than and now. Before we could proceed left or right, she got a call from a family member, her brother's girlfriend just died. With that news she left in a hurry. I wish I could say my strength refused her, but truth be told God's grace move in where my lust held its ground. I didn't break my vows due to any strength in me, but my God Who is merciful, while a tragedy on one hand, prevented a tregedy on the other... nj