Order's Up (flash fiction)

“So where you workin’ now?”
“This fancy new Italian restaurant.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her I was slingin’ fries at the local grease bucket. “Well, I better go. We’re opening for dinner in a few minutes.”
“That’s wonderful Lacey! I’m so proud of you. Maybe I’ll come down to Ruffdale today, and you can take me there. And we can spend the rest of the day together. It will be just like ol’ times!”
“I don’t know. I have to go. Bye.” I wanted to spend time with my aunt, considering she had been my only family since the age of 8, but what would she think if she saw me in a shabby discolored apron?
She always had such high hopes for me, ones I felt that I would never reach.
 But in Elena’s mind, I was a manager at a very expensive restaurant. She was proud of me and that was all I needed to know.
The smell of burnt hamburger buns filled my nose as I walked back in.
 “Lacey, order’s up for table five!”
I grabbed the meals and headed to the table. The plates felt warm piled across my freckled arms.
“Here you are. One cheeseburger and fries, one tuna melt and fries, one chili-cheese hot dog and fries.” Did everyone in this town live on greasy fried potatoes?
“A customer is sittin’ down to table seven. Take care of her Lacey.” Barbara said in passing, arms occupied with plates piled with a mass which looked a lot like pig slop. I started walking to table seven to take the customer’s order, but stopped dead in my tracks as she reached table seven and sat down.
Immediately, turned around and headed back to the kitchen. I just stood there, stupefied. Had she known that I was working here? Was this a way for me to face my problems, to overcome this desire to always impress her? Or was it all just a coincidence?
Suddenly, I saw Barbara head over to table seven. It looked like she was taking Elena’s order after all. A few minutes later, she started heading towards the kitchen. I had to get out of there, or Barbara would see me and ask why I didn’t take the order for table seven like she asked me.
Within seconds, and without anyone noticing, I crawled into a little cart next to me, covered by the tablecloth overtop. It was a bit diaphanous, which gave me the advantage of seeing everyone around me, without being seen. Barbara looked around the kitchen and pinned up the order. Then she went back to take and deliver more orders.
I began to crawl out of the cart, but was stopped as it left the kitchen and rolled into the dining area. I arrived at table seven, Elena’s voice barely audible from inside.
This was my chance to face my aunt and stop acting like a fool.
It was awfully comfy, though…
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