
I was walking home from work when a white car stopped beside me to offer me a ride home. When I looked at the driver it was a woman with long black flowing hair. At first I was confused, because I had never had such a beautiful woman stop to do something like this let alone in the privacy of her space. Making sure she did mean to stop for me, she smiled and motioned for me to get in. I got in and was more than polite seeing that it was her idea to offer me a ride. A brief chit chat led her to offer me her phone number as we parter ways. I took the number with no intention of calling her, for I was sure she was someone's prize possession. A few weeks went by and walking along the road, the same car pulled up and without thinking I jumped in as if we had known each other for years. Full of aggressive tones and sweet passionate looks she asked me why I didn't call her. I lied and said I miss placed her number to which she was more than happy to replace it. As we parted, she demanded that I call her, to which I promised I would.
A few days later, I had some free time and I was single again from a devastating marriage. I called the number not knowing where it would lead, and a sweet soft voice picked up the call. I told her who I was, and she was extra excited to hear from me. I asked her had she ever made home made bread before, to which she said no to my delight. I told her, neither had I, and I was wondering if she would like to come to my place and discover it with me. I could fell her joy through the phone as she got directions to my house and before long knocking on my door. I have had women in my house before, but many as platonic companies, shooting the breeze as mixed adults do. I took her to the neighbour store to pick up the ingredients for baking bread and we like school kids giggled through the Isles making sure we got everything we needed. Back at the house we began to rub shoulders and touch one another as we built what was to be baked for consumption. When we got to the place we had to allow the dough to rise according to the instructions, I took her to the beach just outside my home and we felt the sand beneath our feet as we pondered each other and nature both in speach and togetherness. After awhile we returned to the dough to see it had done what was expected. Placing it in the oven and closing the oven doors, I could feel her desire for More than bread leap every boundary of politeness. I took her by the hand to her surprise and set her on my bed as the smell from the kitchen took us to the next level. No need to explain what I did, that's not important, but when she asked if she could use my toilet, I told her where it was, and a strange silence came over her. I asked what happened, to which she told me she was paralysed, and unable to move. Somewhat embarrassed, she explained that she had experienced more releases in a row then any other time up to then, and it prevents her from moving. I had never heard of this before, and then she confessed that her female pride was in slaying men, not to be slain. I laid beside her to ponder all she said and didn't know if I should be happy or sad about being her would be victim. Later, after her bodily functions returned, we cut the bread after it and us had cooled off and we ate it together as first time lovers. She wanted to marry, but she had four girls of her own and couldn't have any more kids. I wanted kids, so I told her I couldn't marry her for that reason. She did marry, and passed away shortly after doing so. I believe she knew she was dying, and I feel sad that i could have given her the happiness in the short time she had left, but I didn't know the issues she was dealing with. No! I'm not a sex champion, far from it, just a simple lover, on one woman at a time until they find someone better... Nj