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Yesterday someone said to me they had read my book but was curious what I would say now to a 30 year old about it, which was the age I wrote it! Maybe she was suggesting what I would say to my 54 year old self now, I'm not sure. But it got me thinking 🤔 

So tonight I have written 3 proverbs of advice for me and anyone else who is interested :


1. A sniff and a spliff let's the unscrupulous live.

DRUGS : In their mild natural forms and in moderation they are fine, but be careful as some of the unscrupulous will get you to do what you don't want to do, wouldn't normally do and take all you have with them!

2. Money in your hands means a load on a back.

MONEY : Don't live off other species, I realise it's hard but they have enough to contend with without you as further baggage.This goes for your own species as well! You can be greedy even if you have the money to buy. Just take what you need it will make a better place. 

3. Existence can be daunting as the universe is a daunting place.

EXISTENCE : You are correct the universe is connected and so are you. You will get the chance to wallow in harmony eventually with everything.


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