~Razor Sharp~

I don't know what it really feels like
inside when you have problems.
I just love to be the center of attention.
Graduations grow finer inside the taboo
some cut from pain, others for show.
Hating on cutters-or at least these cutter performers,
tries to draw a boundary between authentic and fabricated pain,
as if we weren't all some complicated mix of wounds we
can't help, as if choice itself weren't always some blend of character
and agency. How much do we choose to
feel anything? The answer, I think, is
nothing satisfying we do, and we don't.
But hating on cutters insists desperately
upon our capacity for choice.
People want to believe in self-improvement
it's an American ethos, like putting oneself
up by one's bootstraps and here we have
the equivalent of a effective downward
mobility: cutting as a failure to feel better,
as deliberately going on a kind of sympathetic welfare taking
some shortcut to the street cred of pain
without actually feeling it.
Stop hating on cutters yields only one result,
things you wish people would stop
hating on. Seriously the least they need is
some idiotic troll calling them emo for
cuttingcutting-burning etc. Emo: being code
for affect as performance: the sad show. People
say cutters are just doing it for the attention,
But why does just apply? A cry for attention
is positioned as the ultimate crime, clutching
or trivial as if attention were inherently a selfish
thing to want. But isn't wanting attention
one of the most fundamental traits of being human
snd isn't it granting it one of the most
important gifts we can ever give?
?Broken187Soul ?
Copyright 08-22-15
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