Story -

Secret of Life

 So recently someone asked me the secret to life.......I don't have it and honestly no one does, but I believe that this is where you can find it.

   Its simple. Resort to your memories of youth, use your eyes to take in the actions of a child,and lastly appreciate how you feel in the moment. Sounds like some hallmark card bullshit, right? Hear me out.

Okay, so, appreciate how you feel in the moment... in terms of a supposed "Secret of life" this is key. Think about back to when you were a child, When you were stress free. Completely oblivious to the hate and disorder we see daily as adults. When you still had that beautiful innocence that is possessed by everyone as a child. You didn't give a damn about your short past or spend time concerned about the future, just strictly in it for that moment. That split second rush associated with whatever you may be doing in that moment. Nothing else mattered but that instant in time.

For just a moment, that was literally, the time of your life.

        Shitty part about it? We as humans constantly crave more. Its this socially influenced lust for more, that eventually, we lose sight of those moments, and some of us even lose that "split second rush". Its human nature though. Its an inevitable cycle that will continue. 

   The cold hard fact being, we fuckin have to grow up. 

     Take 10 minutes out of your life and sit your busy ass down. Simmer down on the caffeine, take a breath, allow yourself some clarity, and kick it with a child.
Not at all saying to go total "fuckin chimo" and go kick it with some random child on a playground somewhere. 

        A niece or a nephew, your own child, your friends child, thats where you need to be. Talk to them. Embrace their imaginations and wild tales. Appreciate their pure unaltered, beautiful, innocence. Notice the joy you bring them by simply listening. You must understand, that by simply listening to their story and gifting them with that moment to tell their story, you literally not only made their whole damn day..... But probably the whole damn week or month for them.

      In your own adult life, when was the last time you walked away from any conversation with that feeling??

     As i said, this is nothing more than my opinion, but after having read what you just read, would you agree that there will never be a more "original" you than the you that you were in your youth? No matter how supposed,  "original", you think you are, if you go back in your life and look, something or someone, somewhere or sometime, in your life's journey, has changed you. Molded you, if you will, and helped you to "fit in." Everyone has. 

      There is not an adult alive today, that can claim to love anything, more than a child loves. I believe that to be impossible. A child has never experienced heart breaks to the levels we have as adults.  They are not jaded. They literally love things or people with all their heart has. Their love has never been broken, so they love without the fear of getting hurt. It's the innocence that allows that.

Here, better example...

       As an adult, can you say, there is one person you believe in as much as a child believes in Santa? To lay your head to rest at night, believing in someone so damn much, that you have an absolute trust in them. That not only do they give you all you ever wished for, but they also did it for every other kid in the world.  

It's crazy right?

       We, as adults, know it to be fuckin impossible. Nothing but a story. As a child though, can you remember how much you believed in him?? How much your innocent little heart trusted a big bearded man you have never seen or met in person?? Imagine the level of phenomenal you could reach with a boyfriend/girlfriend,  if you could love, trust, and believe in them, as much as you did a bunch of silly little things as a kid. 

          We are all born with the capabilities of love, compassion, trust, and the ability to believe. As adults, unfortunately, shit has happened, to each, and all of us, that has stripped our innocence. With each shred we have lost our abilities, as stated above, to perform such basic human behaviors like, conversation, or the simple act of holding a door open for a woman. 

         So in closing, and in my opinion, the secret to life, is simply the innocence lost in our youth. Its something that, once lost, you can NEVER get it back.

You can however, open your heart and your mind to a child,  and rediscover it. 

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Rusty, after reading your profile, which was a story and a half in itself lol (and a great write btw) it lead me to this write!  You truly have an amazing talent to write a story and hold the readers attention.  You write with heart, realism and a wonderful view on life.  I look forward to taking the time and reading more of your work!  What a life you have lead and what a story you have to tell.  A big 5*s and a nomination from me :)

Rusty Slagle

Wow. Thank you!! I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have to say. 



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