September 10,2023

Β Β Β Hi,Β
Thank you for inviting me here to celebrate this wonderful woman's life, Delores Greenley.
Obviously you can't describe eighty seven years in just a few minutes, or in a few words not a woman like this one
A woman who loved allΒ her siblings and friends so much
A woman who worked many jobs and ran food and waitressed all her life to raise her 4 awesome kids herself
A woman that put up with so many challenges and never had an unkind word to anyone
A woman who had a child at a young age, and that child became her best friend in life and now death
A woman who lost her granddaughter, a husband and two beautiful childrenΒ
AΒ woman who lived in pain because she loved her family so much
A woman who cooked, cleaned, gardened and gave honest answers to everyone
A woman who we all appreciate and learn fromΒ
A woman who I was blessed to know for 9 years
A woman I will never forget
Rest in PeaceΒ Β
Love you Lore
Thank you Lorie for the place in all our hearts that you will always be a part of
Love Chalie
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Love you Lore