Something From My Mind

What is love? For all of its complexity, love can easily be summed up by one word. Strange. Now, stay with me here, love is strange. It is hurtful, but you can't live without it. It's painful, but you can't stand not to have it. You may spend your whole life searching for "The One", or you may spend 5 years. Strange and unpredictable. At any moment, you could run into someone who loves you for you. Scars, both physical and emotional, cowardness, shyness, anything, they may just love you for it. You’ll also run into hatred, the world is rampant with evil and hateful people. Ignorant men and women who seem just hellbent on making everyone else miserable because they can. Be stronger than them. Be better than them, because even if you are weak, sad, alone, guess what? You’re still better than they are. All they’ll ever be are seas of raging unhappiness to be left floating in the wind as life carries on its fateful journey. I post this not for myself, but for anyone out there who feels like they can’t go on, can’t bear to be alone anymore, can’t take one more verbal beatdown. All of you, you are stronger than you believe. You will find your “One”. It may not be today, or 5 years from now, but you will find them. The majority of the population may be hateful, but plenty of us are not. If anyone EVER needs to talk about ANYTHING, whether or not it’s how much you hated your latte this morning because they didn’t mix it right, or you just got beaten to a pulp, message me or a close friend of yours. Get it off of your chest. Don’t let it simmer. Don’t let it break you apart. You don’t deserve it. Find someone who will listen to you, and don’t let them go. Who knows, you may just find the one you seek doing just that...
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