Has anyone ever told you that you are very pink?
Some of my friends are more red or orange...
Thank you for saying I am very pink...
It is actually my favorite color...
What is your name?
My name is Sparrowsong...
What is your name?
My name is Florence...
You sure can stand along time on one leg...
Could you teach me that trick?
Just stand and pull up a leg...
Here I go...
Sparrowsong is it?
Yes that's right Florence...
Sparrowsong I am going to join the flock...
You can always come by and say hello when you stop falling over...
It was nice meeting you Sparrowsong...
Thank you for the invite...
I will stop by as soon as I have mastered this one leg thing...
Florence before you go may I ask you one question?
Sure Sparrowsong...
What is it?
How did you get to be so pink?
I would like to be pink too...
Our diets give us our color...
I eat alot of shrimp...
Thank you for the tip...
I will try that too and...
Maybe, I could be pink...
Why did you just hug me?
I am just a friendly bird...
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Hi sweety,
This is a lovely sweet and humorous piece honey and very different. I don`t usually read the stories on here but this has persuaded me to read more of them. Well done you are a talented writer.
Love and hugs
G xx
Hello Georgina...
Thank you for your sweet comment...
Love and support!
Thank you very much for checking out the story side of us!
Love and Hugs G...