Do you ever feel out of place?
Do people call you strange?
Do lights go out when you walk by?
Do you have an attraction to the stars above, planets, and the moon?
Do you feel an inner calling or connection?
Never known for good grades in school, but you are...
Intelligent, creative, and have special abilities...
Do you sometimes feel abandoned?
These are normal feelings...
Some will lose everything...
It a sign to get ready you are on your way to a promotion...
Do you feel energy when in a crowded place?
Do you never seem to grow old?
There are many star children on this Earth...
They were sent here as messengers...
That is their mission...
They are peace makers and on their home planet they don't know violence...
They don't care for greed...
They are very good at giving...
Receiving is difficult for them...
That is a downfall for these star people...
When they come to Earth and there is violence all around...
They can't get comfortable in such a place nor partake in it...
They Love love...
Some forget their mission on why they are here...
Some have no interest in earthly marriages or having earthly children...
Star children in the beginning were often born in a starless family...
These children choose the family they will be born into...
The family is needed to help them in some way to lead them even though they are not star people themselves...
Star children can produce star children, star grand children etc...
Beginning as a starseed...
Later, it could happen very slowly or rapidly...
They grow into Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow children and adults...
They don't believe in God, but they know God...
Before going to sleep at night...
Write on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow...
With the words...
Please give me a dream with clear messages about my origin, that I will clearly remember upon awakening...
Please Note...
There are many more attributes...
Too many to list...
They all have similar characteristics or traits...
They are often times picked on the most...
They are healers, people will share things with them and not know why...
They will say things such as I don't know why I'm telling you this...
I usually don't talk to people about this...
There's something about you that says I can trust you...
They are very kind and World Peace is their highest desire...
The number of star children have increased on this planet quite rapidly over the last thirty years or so...
Compared to fifty years ago or so when they first started to arrive...
There are many people that know who they are...
There are many more who have no idea...
They themselves are star people...
They can be sad for no reason...
Cry at the drop of a hat...
They are happier when they around other star people...
They can be quick to anger or very slow...
Are you a Star Person in the making?
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There are many writers and researchers online for this subject...
Much Thanks To All Of You for the Wonderful Information and Work You have done to bring Awareness...
Hello Flower Girl...
Thank you too...
You are very kind with a beautiful soul also...
Thank you too for being here!
luv and hugs