The Dove's Music

A Turtle Dove once flew about all over the countryside. It flew from tree to tree listening to the call of it's pretty mate. They were deeply in love and had many beautiful little ones that they hatched from their love nest high up in a great big tree. All day long their songs could be heard echoing through the forest and the field as they called to each other and mated in deep love and passion. Life was a bliss of birdsong and passion for them both and they knew of no other way. Yet, one day the little Dove flew over to the splendid waterfall high up in the kranzes and when it heard the beautiful tinkling melody of the cascading water falling to the bottom of the river far down below, he was mesmerized at once at the enchanting melody of the lovely falling water. The waterfall sang with a song of its own and he had never heard a beautiful melody quite like it. He was so taken by the song that the beautiful water sang that he would sit by the waterside day and night listening to its lovely tune. He would sing in rhythm with the splendid waterfall and soon he had all but forgotten his lovely mate and little ones. It seemed to her that he had forsaken their love completely in return for the magic tune of the mesmerizing waterfall and the wind through the trees. One day he could scarcely hear her lonely call from deep out in the woods, beckoning him to come home to hear her true heart once more. Eventually he was scarcely able to pull himself away from the enchanting song of the cascading of the waterfall and flew over deep into the forest to hear what his loved one had to say. When he found her alone and weeping in the trees she asked him ‘Why have you forsaken our true love for the enchantment of the cascading waters high above. Will you never come home back to your loving wife and family. Will your true heart be forever lost to us too?’ He could see that he had hurt her deeply and decided there and then to return to her true love and their lovely love nest high up in the mighty tree out in the woods. Never would he return to the magic falls again lest it would rob his little heart completely. Never would the enticing waters lure him away from his mate and loved ones again. True love cannot be replaced by the magic of the wind and ceaseless waters. True love will triumph at last. And they all lived happily forever after singing songs from the heart and from their one and only true love’s ways. True magic can only be found in the love of each other after all.
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Remember the Twelve days of Christmas? The 2 turtle doves?
They represent love & fidelity.
And since they’re on the brink of extinction, how lovely of you to write about them. Beautiful!
It is a story I wrote a while ago. I changed it a bit with a small edit. I think Doves works better than the old story I had. Thank you very much B. All of the Best. 🙂
I love that you always have a happy ending for us J... I've come to rely on that... hugs x
Life's too short and sad to have any other ending for me. Thank You Marion. 🩵
We need a few of these flying round at the moment. 🌹
I have a choir of Doves outside my bedroom window each morning. That's the greatest way to start your day. 💕
It really is. 🌹
Hello Jac...
You can have both...
If the Waterfall doesn't pull you...
Then it's mutual?
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
sparrowsong Ice Queen
Thank You Sparrow. 🙂