The Growing Element of Sexuality Among Eastern Women

The rise in sexual tendencies among Eastern women is a complex and profound subject of study, tied to various societal, moral, and technological factors. Understanding these trends requires delving into the traditions and values of countries where women's freedom to live as they wish is often restricted.
In countries like Pakistan, women are generally not allowed to marry of their own choice. Family pressure dictates their choice of a life partner. This forced situation often compels women to suppress their desires, leading to emotional and psychological challenges.
Social media and the internet have played a significant role in the rise of sexual tendencies in Eastern societies. Girls who lack the freedom to leave their homes often use online content for sexual gratification. This trend not only affects their mental well-being but also deeply impacts their social relationships.
In societies where women are not permitted to freely socialize, the rise of homosexuality can be seen as a natural reaction. Girls who lack opportunities to fulfill their genuine desires often form close relationships with their female friends. This behavior not only exacerbates their personal issues but also creates challenges on a societal level.
In countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia, strict veiling laws are enforced on women. They are not only restricted from choosing their own attire but also face limitations on their personal freedom. These restrictions suppress their emotions and prevent them from discussing their issues with others.
Dr. Shakira Nandini’s life is a testament to how women can overcome every restriction when they recognize their strength and independence. Her parents’ divorce deeply affected her life. Her father imposed strict limitations on her mother, but her mother showed courage by divorcing him and moving to Russia with Dr. Shakira.
Her mother’s nurturing was such that Dr. Shakira never entertained the idea of defeat in life. Her mother said, “When God gives you wings, why don’t you fly? Crawling through life is ingratitude.” This upbringing and encouragement enabled Dr. Shakira to reach the pinnacle of success.
Dr. Shakira says, “Even if you disagree with me, take a moment alone at night to reflect on yourself. You too have wings, and with a little courage, you can take flight. Don’t worry about what people or society will say. If people oppose you, don’t be afraid; their opposition is like the wind that helps you soar higher.”
The solution to these issues lies in granting more freedom to women in Eastern societies and focusing on their education and training. Women need to understand their emotions and desires and be provided with healthy opportunities to express them. Parents should adopt a friendly attitude toward their children and try to understand their perspectives. Likewise, effective measures should be taken to control the availability of sexual content on the internet.
The reasons behind the rise of sexual tendencies among Eastern  women are deeply rooted in their societal and psychological needs. Addressing these issues requires open dialogue and reform within the community so that women can lead more fulfilling lives.
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Shakira, you’ve written such a wonderful article. I, too, was once confined in Pakistan by my family and husband. It was only after much difficulty, using the excuse of pursuing further studies, that I managed to come here.
I met a young French man and we were in a relationship for two years. Truly, European men are much stronger than ours and know how to bring comfort and satisfaction. We have now married, and I am living a good life in Paris.
Meanwhile, back in Pakistan, my cousins still cry because their men are incapable of fulfilling their needs. Long live Europe!
Shagufta, you are absolutely right! So many women in our society face similar struggles, and there’s no support system for them. I went to Pakistan in 2019, and hearing about my cousin’s situation in Karachi broke my heart. Her husband is an alcoholic, a gambler, and sexually incapable. He refuses to divorce her, leaving her trapped in misery.
One night, she shared her pain with me, and I connected with her on a deep emotional and spiritual level, offering her comfort throughout the night. She was astonished to discover that such solace could exist. Now, she spends her nights with a classmate, and together they fulfill each other’s needs—perhaps a new beginning for her.
Our society suppresses women, denying them the right to express their emotions and satisfy their needs, while leaving them to suffer. It’s time we reflect on how long we’ll keep our women imprisoned in this way. The time for change has come!