Story -

The Silver Fairy

The Silver Fairy

A Magic Tailor once had three fairies that worked for him and who lived under his Wonder Tree out in the garden. The Golden Fairy made wonderful golden linings to the garments of his esteemed clients. The Diamond Fairy made spectacular diamond trimmings to the clothes of his clients. And the Silver Fairy adorned the jackets and dresses of people with beautiful traces of silver. But the Magic Tailors clients were all royalty, Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses. All that they were ever interested in was gold and diamonds, and they placed little value in mere silver trimmings. As such all his clothes was made with gold and diamond linings, and the little Silver Fairy never got any work done. She just sat around all day watching how the other two fairies enjoyed themselves enriching the garments of the rich and famous. She felt sad and lonely as the others often asked her, 'Are you never going to produce a single dress for our Master? Poor thing! It must be awful that he has no use for you. You just sit around all day doing nothing.' Then they would go on and adorn some new dress for a wealthy client with diamonds and gold. This made the little Silver Fairy feel very bad about herself with no-one having a use for her magical services at all. Until one day when the Gypsy Queen herself arrived at the Tailor's door. He offered to make her dress from diamonds and gold like all of the rest . But she said that she had no use for such vast riches, as they could not see the future. Only a Queen dressed in the finest silver could divine the future, she whispered in his ear. The he summoned the little Silver Fairy and asked her to weave him a magical dress with the finest silver thread especially for the Gypsy Queen herself. The little fairy set hard at work just then and after many hours of the hardest work she gave the Queen her one and only silver spun dress. She looked lovely dressed in silver and could foretell the future of king and queen after that. The fate of prince and pauper alike. The little Silver Fairy had done her magic and she was made complete in knowing that she had produced the finest dress for the great Gypsy Queen herself. The one and only of its kind. Everyone has a touch of magic in them sometimes.

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