The Sun & The Moon

In the beginning there was the Sun King during the daytime, and his beautiful Bride the Moon at night. He lived in the light with his beautiful cloak of blue-sky, and underneath his throne was his green carpet; the wind, the green grass, and the trees. The Moon lived in her dark chambers dressed in a rich, black gown spangled with a multitude of bright stars. And the Sun King and the Moon promised to be wed.
They came together one spring in the morning-sky, and had a grand wedding and honeymoon as they traversed the heavens in their path. After they were wed they brought forth from the earth all living beings; the birds and the animals, the man and the woman. And the creatures lived happy and contented lives on the green carpet of land that was at the foot of the Sun King’s throne. At night they slept in dark chambers of the night with Moon Queen watching over them and bathing them in soft moonlight. And life in paradise continued in peaceful bliss.
But the man and the woman, and the birds and the animals, gossiped about the Moon Queen one day to the Sun King, saying she had a secret lover in her chamber of darkness some nights. The Moon Queen became very angry when she heard about this rumor and vehemently denied it all to the Sun King. Being a woman, she never forgave the creatures and pulled her gown of night more tightly about her, and always had a chill air towards them in the darkness from then on forwards.
The nights became increasingly inhospitable for man and the creatures, and the moon kept a cold, impartial attitude towards them from her distance up in the dark sky. As a result man and the creatures hid at night time from the Moon Queen and her cloak of darkness, and her icy inhospitable nature. At night time they remained forever hid in their homes and lairs, hiding from the darkness and the Moon Queen.
During the day they came out among the green carpet of land at the feet of the Sun King’s throne and worked, and lived and prospered. And he always provided all their needs like food, clothing and shelter, and he showed a pleasant countenance towards them during the daytime. But the Moon Queen never forgave them, and as a result they would always hide from her face in the dark night hours.