“There is a Darkness”

(Synopsis from a screenplay I wrote last Spring)
Claude Bennett is a struggling screenwriter and drug addict, trying to save his unique relationship, with Destiny Winters; an up and coming actress.
Claude and Destiny have dinner in the city one night, where she tells him that she won’t be producing his screenplay, “There is a Darkness”; due to its general lack of substance and continuity. She then shares that she has accepted a major movie role and will be selling the condo both she and Claude had been sharing together.
After the dinner ends, Destiny invites Claude into her limousine, to express her grave concern, for Claude’s escalating problems with drugs and alcohol. Destiny then hands Claude a business card, for a mysterious man named Gerard Mueller. Mueller is well known in the entertainment industry, for his six-day recovery seminar, aimed to assist those struggling with addiction and other traumatic life events. Claude is deeply offended by Destiny’s suggestion and leaves the limousine angrily.
Claude buys a bottle of whiskey and drinks it on his walk back to the condominium. Upon his arrival, his elderly landlord, Elsa Marino, also expresses her concern for Claude’s reckless behavior.
Claude doesn’t take well to Elsa’s criticism and he attempts to avoid conversation. On his way up to his condo, Elsa informs Claude that he will be evicted in one months time, due to his lack of income.
Claude either doesn’t process Elsa’s words or has lost the energy to even plead his case. He enters his condo and is overwhelmed by the many photo’s of Destiny and him, throughout their relationship. Emotionally devastated, Claude takes a handful of painkillers and goes to a bar outside of the city.
At the bar, Claude meets Todd Gentry and Sheila Barnes, a deviant couple, who offer Claude a cocktail of heroin and cocaine, in a single stall restroom. The trio travels to a nearby nightclub, where they continue to ingest dangerously high quantities of narcotics.
Later in the evening, Claude, Todd and Sheila, stop at a 24 hour diner to get a late night meal. Claude confides in Todd and Sheila, to explain his current predicament with Destiny. At first the couple is reluctant to believe Claude’s story.
When Claude mentions Gerard Mueller, Todd and Sheila start rambling off conspiracy about what allegedly takes place at these “rituals”. The older sister of Destiny Winters, Abigail is briefly mentioned in conversation. We soon learn of Abigail’s mysterious and untimely death, but before Claude can elaborate, he begins overdosing on the heroin and cocaine cocktail.
Inside of an ambulance, paramedics race to save Claude’s life. Claude fades in and out of consciousness and eventually wakes up inside of a dark, dusty, hallway.
A ghostly vision of Abigail Winters is casually patrolling this desolate hall. Claude tries to follow Abigail through a door on the far side of the hall. Abigail is able to glide right through the door, but upon reaching the door, Claude realizes it is bolted shut. Towards the entrance of the hallway, a loud, banging, sound can be heard.
Startled and afraid for his life, Claude begins to kick and punch the bolted door. The entrance of the halls bursts open and a wolf-like creature, runs fiercely towards Claude; ready to kill.
As the wolf prepares to maul Claude to death, he sinks through the floor and wakes up in a hospital, a day or two after a near fatal drug overdose.
A nurse looking after Claude, asks him for permission, to allow Destiny Winters in the room for a visit.
Claude welcomes Destiny into his room, but he is riddled with shame. Destiny informs him that it was Elsa who reached out and told her about Claude’s overdose. Destiny begins crying hysterically, Claude holds her hand and comforts her.
Once more, Destiny mentions Gerard’s seminar. Unlike before, she explains to Claude, that it was Gerard Mueller, who was able to help her, when her older sister was murdered by a “deranged fan”. Claude has never seen Destiny so emotional and therefore, he decides to travel with her, to Gerard’s Six Day Seminar, to “vanquish his demons”.
Claude and Destiny are driven to a private airport by Sam Kaplan, Destiny’s most trusted friend and chauffeur. It is here where they meet Ben Cantor, the strange, but seemingly harmless colleague of Gerard Mueller. Ben Cantor flies to couple a few miles north, to Gerard’s estate.
Gerard Mueller is introduced to a small crowd of seminar attendees. In all, there are seven people from around the world, Yuna Kato; a young protege and former martial arts star. Walter and Kim Berg, two middle aged film producers, trying to recapture, their lost love for one another. Constance Harrison, a down on her luck fashion designer, trying to regroup, after she is plagued by an embezzlement scandal.
The remaining seminar attendees are Marta Leon, a French musician, trying to recover, from the overwhelming international fame, she achieved after her eponymous debut album; Dominik Bayer, a German American filmmaker and convicted rapist, looking to find a deeper meaning, in his post prison life. The final attendee is named Daniel Gellar, a former child star, desperately trying to rebrand, his image in the entertainment business.
Gerard Mueller is a handsome man with a seductive. charm. His words and his mannerisms are hypnotic and far-reaching. When Yuna’s “over the top” vision unearths the deep skepticisms of Daniel Gellar, Mueller humiliates Gellar in front of all his guests. Claude is disturbed by Gerard’s behavior, but chooses to say nothing about it.
Later on in the evening, Destiny formerly introduces Claude and Gerard, at a welcoming dinner to all in attendance. The conversation between the two men begins casually, but quickly escalates to something more sinister. Gerard admits to Claude, that it was he who ordered the murder of Abigail Winters, because she intended to expose him after she questioned his true intentions for running the seminar.
Horrified by this revelation, Claude rushes to locate Destiny and warn her of the danger they’re in, but she is nowhere to be found. Claude quickly gives up on looking for Destiny and decides to run to his room and pack his belongings. On his way up to his room he is confronted by Walt and Kim Berg; the couple finds Claude’s behavior to be erratic.
Walt and Kim attempt to subdue Claude, by cornering him, but in his fear Claude knees Walt and attempts to flee. As Claude sprints through the hallway, Ghostly visions of Abigail appear and the hallucinations, Claude experienced during his overdose, emerge once more; this time however, Abigail is bleeding from her eyes, urging Claude to be quiet.
Claude rushes to pack his belongings and make his way out of Gerard’s estate. As he makes his way to the exit door of the hallway, Claude is met by a deranged looking Yuna Kato, Dominik Bayer and Constance Harrison. The trio expresses their disapproval of Claude’s descent and they beat and drug him.
Claude awakens shortly after strapped to a wooden door. He is being carried by a trio of cloaked individuals, presumably; Bayer, Harrison and Kato. Claude is hallucinating wildly and is finding it difficult to stay conscious.
Claude is led into a wooded area, where we see a naked and beaten Daniel Gellar, being tortured on an X shaped cross. The figure removes the cloak and is revealed to be Gerard Mueller.
Yuna Kato and Kim Berg are called over by Mueller, who then hands both of them knives and orders them to murder Gellar. The women then castrate and stab Gellar through the heart.
Claude fights to break out of the ropes that have him tied down. It’s a useless struggle as the remaining seminar attendees, Dominik Bayer, Constance Harrison, Marta Leon, Walt and Kim Berg, bring Claude over, to the X shaped cross to be sacrificed.
The seminar attendees all participate in a blood soaked orgy around Gellar’s lifeless body, as a horrified Claude looks on and waits for the torture to begin.
As the orgy goes on, a ghostly Abigail appears once more, with her index finger up against her pale lips. As the group of deranged seminar members move towards Claude, he is miraculously able to break free from the ropes he is bound by.
Again, Claude finds himself in the same foreboding hallway as before. Through the surrounding mirrors, he can see clearly, the mayhem happening to him, outside of these walls.
A disturbing whistle can be heard, echoing throughout the hallways. Upon closer examination, Claude sees a reflection of himself in the mirror, smiling from ear to ear. This version of Claude pulls a knife out of his pocket and slits his own throat. The door at the far end of the hallway again bursts open. Claude stumbles his way to the other side of the hallway, where he is able to open the once bolted door and falls into an empty abyss.
Claude awakens in a run down apartment with blood on his hands, sleeping next to a woman, whose body shape resembles Destiny Winters. Confused by the whole ordeal, Claude jumps out of bed and takes a shower.
As Claude rinses the blood and dirt from his body, the bathroom door opens, a ragged looking woman by the name of Madelyn Sanders tries to get in the shower with Claude. Startled by her washed up looks, Claude quickly exits the bathroom and begins to dress, much to Madelyn’s disappointment.
Claude starts to accuse Madelyn as a character portrayal of Destiny Winters, citing this as the true motive for selling their condo. Madelyn flatly denies it and soon becomes highly agitated at Claude’s continuous accusations.
Madelyn violently throws a glass bottle at Claude and just barely misses his head. Convinced Destiny has went to far into her character, Claude leaves the complex.
Outside of the apartment buildings, a much healthier version of Todd Gentry stops in front of Claude, to pick him up for work. Initially hesitant, Claude gets into Gentry’s vehicle and tries to pull himself together.
Claude and Todd travel across town to the same building, Destiny and Claude once shared a life in. Claude Laughs it off and compliments Todd on his acting ability, much to the horror of Todd himself. Afraid for the well being of his friend, Todd expresses the grave concern he feels for Claude. Unnerved about his growing instability, Claude exits the vehicle and runs inside of the building.
Claude approaches Elsa Marino, who stares at Claude like he’s a total stranger to her. He accuses of her of being in on the plot to sabotage him and decides to run to the nearest elevator, presumably to communicate with Destiny and confirm he hasn’t lost his mind.
Three armed security guards tackle Claude and drag him past the lobby and out the door. Todd apologizes to Elsa Marino and promises to not bring Claude around for the remaining building renovations.
Furious about Claude’s behavior, Todd pulls his car over and begins to scream at Claude. Initially defensive, Claude eventually breaks down and cries to Todd about the intense confusion he feels about his life.
Todd empathizes with Claude and invites him back to his home, to have lunch with Sheila and he. Back at Todd’s suburban home, Sheila isn’t shy about her disdain for Claude.
Todd tells Sheila that he owes it to Claude, as they both have struggled with addiction. In this apparent, alternate timeline, Sheila is Todd’s fiancé, carrying his child and she is deeply disturbed by Claude’s presence.
As the couple argues, Claude walks through the home to use the restroom. On his way there, he stumbles onto a desktop computer.
He goes on to IMDb and searches for Destiny Winters, his anger irrupts when he discovers Destiny has stolen his screenplay “There is a Darkness” and is currently shooting the film, which will be directed by Dominik Bayer. Claude continues to look through the other credits, only to discover, everyone on the retreat, is involved with the films production.
His paranoia and rage only worsen when he sees a decorative lighting magazine in the bathroom of Todd and Sheila’s, reading: “Empower Your Darkness”. Claude overhears the couple talking about him and angrily storms into the kitchen where he confronts them.
Claude starts accusing Todd and Sheila of being involved in a conspiracy with Gerard and Destiny. Claude grabs a sharp kitchen knife and threatens the life of Sheila and her unborn child. Todd violently elbows Claude in the head and knees him in the stomach. Todd and Sheila beg Claude to please leave, to which he smiles and vows revenge on them, before leaving the premises.
In a brief shift in the narrative, Todd calls Madelyn's cell phone. Against Sheila’s wishes for Todd to contact the police, he invites Madelyn over to discuss the puzzling situation he and his wife now find themselves in.
Claude makes his way from Todd and Sheila’s home, he walks through a torrential downpour and phone’s Madelyn, to let her know about what he’s discovered. For the first time since we were introduced to her, Madelyn seems to have a sense of what’s really going on and she urges Claude to come home immediately. After Claude hangs up the phone, he takes notice of a dark figure blending into an alley wall nearby. Claude approaches the figure who, at a closer look, is in fact Gerard Mueller. He grabs Claude’s arm and sends a burning sensation through his arm. This triggers flashes of Claude murdering several members of the seminar. We are then shown flashes of Claude’s crucifixion during the ritual for Daniel Gellar and he.
Horrified by this vision, Claude vomits and walks over to a park bench, where he passes out for the night.
As Claude sleeps, he dreams of meeting Destiny in the forest where he was nearly sacrificed, only this time, the bodies around Claude are all of the members of Mueller’s seminar. Abigail Winters appears like an immaculate conception, urging Claude, to destroy the world he finds himself trapped inside. She informs him that the only way to escape, is too embrace his darkest self.
The following morning Claude awakens, reinvigorated. He calls Madelyn and tells her that he has a plan to fix everything and asks her to find someone who can sell him guns and ammunition.
Madelyn agrees to meet Todd and Sheila at their home. Sheila continues to express her wishes that the police get involved, but Todd doesn’t want Claude to experience any more psychological pain. This angers Sheila and she hurries upstairs to distance herself from her fiancé.
We are taken back to Claude’s perspective and Madelyn is looking at him from Todd and Sheila’s living room window. Claude walks around to the back of the couple’s two story home. He breaks in from the backdoor and sneaks upstairs. Meanwhile, Madelyn reveals that she isn’t there to talk about Claude. Madelyn blames Todd, for stealing Claude’s job and getting him hooked on heroin and cocaine. Madelyn pulls out a silenced pistol and shoots Todd in the head, killing him instantly. Claude sneaks up to Sheila’s room and drags her out of her bedroom, before violently pushing her down the steps, consequently, Sheila sustains a fatal head injury and she suffers a miscarriage. Claude and Madelyn pour gasoline and Alcohol around the home before setting it ablaze. They take off in the vehicle once belonging to Todd and Sheila, with the intention of meeting with Madelyn’s arms dealer.
The arms dealer is Thomas MCShane, a paranoid loner, with an ambiguous obsession with Gerard Mueller. He bears an eery resemblance to Daniel Gellar and even has a collection of articles and posters of Gerard Mueller, Ben Cantor and the remaining seminar attendees at Mueller’s mansion.
MCShane leads them to a large stack of money. We learn that Claude and Madelyn are being paid to murder Mueller and his closest associates. He informs them, inexplicably, of a safe, inside Mueller’s attic, that contains high powered rifles. He explains that Yuna Kato would have the key to his guns, since Gerard doesn’t trust himself, to maintain control around them.
Once more, Claude begins to hallucinate. A ghostly vision of Abigail Winters appears, only this time she is violent and terrifying. Abigail takes the shape of a wolf and mauls Thomas MCShane. A terrified Madelyn sprints down the hallway and falls into an empty, dark, abyss and Claude starts to fade back, into the world he shares with Destiny Winters.
Claude wakes up next to Destiny and looks at her with great disdain. He leaves his room, but when Destiny wakes up, Claude knocks her unconscious and ties her up against the bed in the shape of an X. Claude travels to Yuna’s room and strangles her to death while she sleeps and locates the keys to Gerald's safe under Yuna's bed, in an old pair of sneakers.
Claude goes to the attic and chooses from a wide variety of military level weapons, he then descends onto the surviving members of his seminar. He fatally shoots Walt and Kim Berg as they investigate Claude's obnoxious whistling down the hallway. He then walks down to the rooms of Constance Harrison and Dominik Bayer, where he shoots them both at point blank range.
When Claude returns to kill Destiny, he discovers Daniel Gellar, alive and well, trying to untie Destiny and bring her to safety. As Claude taunts the horrified duo, Marta Leon attempts to subdue Claude, but he turns around and fires a single shot into her chest.
Infuriated, Claude leads Destiny and Daniel to Gerard’s pool house, where they discover Ben Cantor and Gerard spending the evening with one another. Gerard manipulates the entire situation by acknowledging Claude’s erroneous story, of ritualistic sacrifice and deception, as an accurate claim.
Gerard says whatever Claude wants to hear...Ben Cantor murdered Abigail Winters because she was going to expose their sexual relationship.” “Destiny loved Gellar and only wanted Claude for his master storytelling ability, but had a secret relationship with Daniel Gellar.” The delusions unravel Claude’s sanity past the point of no return.
In his rage, Claude guns down Destiny and Daniel, but Gerard is able to shoot Claude in the head, with a pistol he kept in his coat pocket.
Claude awakens in his run down apartment covered in blood. Sleeping next to him is Madelyn Sanders. He breaks down in tears and kisses Madelyn on the cheek.
No longer able to decipher which reality was real, Claude walks into his bathroom with a homemade noose and hangs himself.