They won’t believe you

Part 1:
Your so pretty
6:15 am Kim’s alarm buzzes, two fair long slender legs touches the ground.she was a beauty, her skin was fair and she had not one freckle. Kim proceeded to the kitchen where she puts on a pot for tea. She then hops in the shower and takes a quick bath.
Today will change Kim’s life forever only if she 7:30 she was heading out the door of her apartment where she would normally catch a ride in the city with her neighbor Kyle who lives two doors down from her, but to her surprise Kyle was no where in sight. She called him and it connected straight to his voicemail “hi you’ve reached Kyle can’t take your call but I’ll get back to you if you’re important “. Kim did not want to waste anymore time than she already did so she decided to walk a few blocks up to the bus. As Kim walked past her building she spotted a few guys on the corner, they normally gathered there to bother women who passed by, throwing gestures and defiling thoughts. So she decided to take a shortcut through the alley.Kim walked at a paste so fast it almost looked as if she was playing the egg and spoon race .it felt as if someone was following her, so she started to jog to reach the end of the corner. As soon as she stepped her long legs on the end of the pavement a bus pulled up and she pranced onto the bus. Kim looked back as she walked away from the automotive door and she saw nobody.
Good morning class I’m sorry due to my lateness the professor shouted as the students calmed down from their noisy state. Now open your books to page 123, can I get a reader he said as not one student raised their hand. “Kim how about you “. She started to read and he scanned her face as if he was looking at a piece of meat. “Kim can I see you after class”said professor Bain. A few minutes later the bell rang and the other students left, Kim gathered her belongings and walked up to the professor’s desk saying “yes sir what can I do for you”? He stood there as his breath shifted to her neck and absorbed her fragrance. He went over a report she wrote, telling her she has so much potential. She looked nervously and smiled.” You’re so pretty” he said with a perverted smile .