This morning’s buzz

“It is getting closer!” CHAR the head hedgehog exclaimed!
“We'll smash its head before it bites your nose oaf your prickly face!” Slippery Sloth yelled from down the narrow hall.
Char rolled her eyes. In a dimly lit room her face was aglow, reflection from the LCD screen. Her big sapphire eyes shown with wonder. Her hair – still smelling like musk from her shower -- was pulled back in a tight bun for bedtime.
“Pete is an idiot,” Char groaned. She made several repeated downward motions with her right hand, trying to zoom in on a spot towards the top of her screen.
“Pete is Pete!” I pretended to cradle my head in agony. “What are you looking at now?I peered over Char’s broad shoulder. With her nose practically touching the screen, all I could see was the reflection of the glow on her face and in her eyes.
“THIS presence”. She insisted, now pointing straight at her nose.
“I haven't heard anything about presents.” I had already lost interest. “ you get so bent out of shape over nothing.”
“The energy source! You never listen!”  she said, totally convincingly yet not expecting her correctness to change anything.
“I listen you just don't make sense,” I grabbed an apple, buffed it on my chest, and took a bite.
“Once I heard you talking about an energy source. Now you are talking about presents. Christmas was last month and Santa Claus is back at the North Pole.”
“You silly!,” Char giggled. “”A “present” is a gift, but a “presence” is something that is right here right now.”
“Where?” I still couldn't see anything with the glow.”
“Right here see?” Char had lost her enthusiasm but finally backed her head away from the screen enough that I could see a milky yellow area top center left but only very white tiny dots of various size, shapes and intensities in a deep black background for the rest of the screen.
“In the beginning, it was only visible with the most powerful satellite they have. “Now that it is getting closer to earth, they are saying that this unidentified energy is so intense and the trajectory so certain to hit earth it could be devastating.”
“Is there a way to stop it? What's the worst that could happen if it makes it all the way to earth without dissipating? How soon is it going to be here?”
“Some are saying it's the coming of Messiah to free the nation of Israel from her oppressors. Others are saying it's the second coming of Jesus Christ. Whatever it is there is no power on earth that can change… what is going to happen is going to happen.”
“Fine then,” I nodded and grinned with approval. “The sun is finally out so I'm going for a stroll.” The end
Written as a gift to my daughter Sarakay on her grandpa John’s birthday 2023
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