TO the self

What at times seem like a struggle, will become a blessing once over comed.
The times in the dark have to be lived in order to start a new day.
The hardships that bring horth a blinding spot have to be confronted in order not repeat the lesson once again. Im in position of making the best descision in my life for myself, I need to remenber that time heals all wounds, but if im inflicting wounds within me because I allow myself to be in situations that are hurting me internally then I wont be able to be kind to the one that needs it the most which is me. Time will not heal selfinflicting wounds im I have to heal them, by amending my behavior and by confronting my conflicting needs I need to identify what my spiritual path needs from me, what my iinert being lacks so that i can provide. If I keep on living in a situation of chaos and conflict im hurting myself. It is in moments like this that I need to get by with the unconfortable, even if painful and emotional those are moments that pass but not acknowledging myself and giving into one moment of easy that will continue to bring pain internally that will not pass and wull not be amended untill addressed and acknoledge. Loving oneself has to do with amending the bevavior towards one self.