
This maybe an uncomfortable topic for some, but I believe it is one that we need to have in a safe, honest way.
If the Transgender topic is one that you wish not to contemplate, or if you have a closed mind about; then please stop reading my article. However, you just might discover something new about yourself.
To my readers; I welcome you, and I thank you.
Don't judge, or hate; if you've never felt as if you're not in the body that you were supposed to be born in, the body that you most closely identify with, how could you possibly know what a human being is going through, that is living life in a transgender way?
A transgender person is someone that has dreams, asparations, interests, jobs, Families, loves, so on, and so forth, like you, and I.
Yet their internal feelings don't match their birthed bodies. I can't imagine what strength, and fortitude any person must have to make not only a physical bodily change, but such a life changing decision. The agony, and struggles I cannot even begin to fathom as I myself am not transgender. If surgery makes a person feel more complete, and whole then they should have that right available for them. As everyone deserves to be happy, and to be comfortable in their own skin.
I have great empathy, and compassion for all life, no matter what a person's outer human shell is like, it doesn't change a person's heart. If you already love them, then whatever sex a person decides to be shouldn't matter.
For it maybe one of your friends, a loved one, a co-worker, a Family member; you just don't know what a person is going through. Are they able to approach you about the subject, are you willing to listen to what they have to say? Can you show support, love, acceptance, a hug for when they need one?
So talk deep, not just chit, and the chat kind of talk, but have a serious, meaningful conversation, and by all means, please listen, take heart, and have one. For most of us will all have life changing, evolutionary, and revolutionary points of departure, and points of new beginnings for each life.
Let us give each other understanding, respect, empathy, comfort, love, and compassion as there is just too much hatefulness going on.
Maybe it is you reading this right now who is having this transgender controversy within your interself. My hope is that this conversation with you shows you that the whole world is not against you, but is for you.
I am proud to know the person you are, and yet to be; for I will always love you until I die.
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This article is dedicated to someone who is very near, and dear to my heart.
I love you...