Two Friends

At one time, two friends lived in a utopia. They were poetry and prose. They had a polemic discussion on their superiority to literature. But no one could conciliate the matter. I was busy on composing my verse in a secluded forest. They came to me at last and implored to judge the fact. I was forced to stop my art. Suddenly poetry said, ‘‘O sir! I am poetry. You might have heard that poetry is born into the core of heart and I can fly wherever I like to go, I feel everything whatever I love. So you tell me, who is the best? Yes I am’’. Prose was silent but I asked to tell something. ‘‘I am born in head and my duty is to contemplate always’’, replied the prose. But I didn't answer them because into my heart poetry is there and prose in my head. Finally I acknowledged firmly, ‘‘if heart is the mother of poetry then the brain and the heart both are the parents of prose’’. Hearing my words, poetry entered into my heart and prose into my head.
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A write of deep thinking...enjoyed x