
Your words, not even spoken, travel through my veins, into my chest and press so firmly against my heart that I can barely breath.
The pain reaches my throat and forces its way out while my knees make contact with the cold bathroom floor.
My body twitches, my hands tremble, the pain is throbbing in my blood, yearning for one touch, one kiss, one morsel of you.
How many days will I wait for the pain to stop? How many nights will I purge the pain out until there is nothing left and dry heaves turn to still in my soul?
There is no remedy, no cure, for this emptiness. No soothing can subdue the longing, the craving, the need that was once filled with the thought of you.
I wait. I occupy myself with distractions. Knowing the pain will come with the moon. Feeling the urge rise within me and consume me once more.
I wait. Knowing that you are gone and nothing will make the pain stop. Until my heart stops beating and my mind is void.
I make peace with the pain because it is all that is left of you. The only memory I can allow myself to feel. So I wait for the stillness to come and you to leave my blood.
I wait.
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