It won't happen again

It won't happen again, I'm sorry.
It won't happen again, I was angry, I'm sorry.
It won't happen again, I love you, I'm sorry.
It is a well known phrase that actions speak louder than words; so why did I stay?
I stayed at first because I didn't know what demon was hiding within you, I thought it was my culpability, I thought you were confound, I thought I needed to stop winding you up.
I thought it was a one time incident, even after the tenth.
I stayed in the end through trepidation of my life but I believed you every time you sent me tulips; bought me perfume and took me for a beautiful meal in a top of the range restuarant
No amount of flowers will cover this ugly bruise on my delicate cheeks
No amount of perfume will boost my confidence because you stripped it all
No amount of top quality meals will ease the hunger I have for you to be a better man
It would have happened again, because you weren't sorry.
It would have happened again, you're not angry, you're evil, and you weren't sorry.
It would have happened again, you didn't love me, you weren't sorry.
Thank you for your kind words!
It is intended to have deep meaning, I hope women and men who read this who find themselves in a situation like this read this and have the courage to leave. There are some horrible people in the world and people need to realise that even one hit is too many.
Luckily for myself, this situation was years ago and I have moved past it, but people need to know that people who do these things do not and will not change.
Some people stay due to having too much to lose. Nobody should stay in situations they are fearful of.
Thanks for reading x
Wow,a powerful peice Saffron, I do hope your life has moved on.
Welcome to Cosmofunnel, I look forward to your writings.
Thank you!
Yes, my life is now very much blessed which I am eternally thankful for.
Thanks for your warm welcome!
S x