Your World

The path to another world is usually filled with torturous ecstasy, and is likewise, usually draped with misery. Ghosts that haunts the gates of entrance, entice you to forget all the realities of this world, and thus is born, a monster of illusion; one that covers your vision without impunity. This other world that supposedly screams in your favor, makes you nothing, but a shell of yourself.
It wraps itself all around your surroundings, and sooner than later, it successfully enters the real world, and thus deems it yours. Broken dreams just fly around it, and a veil is placed upon your eyes, and it usually doesn't come off, until it makes you completely blind.
It makes you think that this world is preferable to the natural one. It makes you think that your batch of humans is superiorly mixed in with others, and that yours is the chosen one. It makes you think that the real natural world is just yours, and that no one deserves it except for you (and the other people who think like you).
This other world haunts you in your dreams, and your wake, and you seldom find solace from it. This world dances around you until it successfully makes you sanctimonious, and leaves you with nothing, but a thirst for more. And, you do scream, MORE MORE MORE!!!
But, it only gives you enough to just torture you, it only gives you a fix in order for you to be held in this addiction; just being force fed more. It mentally rapes you, and leaves you with no logic, or no reason, or no emotion. But you still want more of that pleasure, and you beg for it; getting desensitized to the real world, and consequently, you forget that you are human.
It constantly reminds you that you are a machine of specialization, ushering you to just be good at one activity. Because, if you are good at multiple things, then that formidable world has failed, and you finally see that you are human.
But, it's still keeps you trapped; trapped in a cycle of feeling stagnant, because, all you're doing is chasing worthless sheets of paper that has nothing to do with nature. It is just an invention of power, and an invention of an arbitrary form of division that you just eat it up. Along with others-like religion, and race, and sex, and class-until you see nothing but differences in your fellow humans, and seldom see any similarities.
Wait, I forgot that you are not human, but a machine incapable of feeling, and you are just living with other machines. Living like the beasts you all are; just waging war on each other just to uphold that arbitrary form of division. You all use God's name, but none of you all have found God, because none of you have found yourselves. You just found this world, and it is just tricking you; exclaiming that "spirituality is overrated."
But how can that world tell you anything when it has failed to tell you everything? It just tells you what you want to hear, and you give it your ear everyday. That is just mass madness! Doing the same exact thing over and over, even though it had hurt you many times before.
Probably your world would not end, until THE WORLD ends.
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Good write.Welcome Essam Temuri,cheers.