Having lost her place in the bread queue, she found herself hurried along by a prod from a...
You live for the moments...
Your Blood, Sweat, and Tears you put in for the temporary...
Pray can you still hear the cries of all these anguished and stricken, landlocked gulls .....
You can help support the upkeep of CosmoFunnel.com via PayPal.
What we seem to have here my dear is a new social documentary depicting an ...
People can destroy their Land and Home..
People can have no regard for Life...
People can...
Fleshed out as poetic confessional.
Profligacy prevailed pricking psyche precipitating...
It's difficult when you're a new survivor...
The Why?
The How?
Thinking you shouldn...
In the past we heard they wanted to keep us safe...
Safety Measures for a Nation was...
If you don't know...
Tell me if and when...
Make a YouTube or something telling your truth...
Dire circumstances...
Some have been able to share their Story...
Through all the...
A Major Cat 4 Hurricane finally stalled for 3 days before it moved North...
Making landfall with...
Survival of one wreath speck table insect, (poll ease pod din me Elmer Fudd speak) thus...
The word, on the street, was there would be another world war .. Those that laughed, have...
Slowly oh so very slowly...
More and more comes out...
Timing again and again......
Is God Jealous of the people or things you desire and worship?
The Gifts and Talents were already...
Beware, beware they're hiding everywhere some are pretty some are grand some are...
Are you going forward?
Did you go back from where you came?
When your family touches...