counting backwards and down in reverse alphabetical order I did note at that...
Hazelnut pistachio Strawberry and coconut cream The ice-cream parlour on deck 8 Where...
Your latest aftertaste is extraordinary, like a fine wine containing a richness of wicked...
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Beneath the blue sky, surrounded by a sea of greenery and a flowing river, sat an American girl lost in...
Cased - “A beauty of Marble”
Cased in marble, to await a humble sculptor. To chisel, the...
She Wink - “At me and I blink”
She wink, and I blink. A sense of hope, as she approach....
As the evening embraced the park in its serene twilight, the rustling leaves and dimming light painted a...
The city's largest and most modern medical college was renowned for its magnificent buildings, lush gardens...
Oh’ yes indeed, I do yet still vividly recall how a single outstretched palm might...
Palwasha was on her bike, heading towards Turkey. The sun was high, and the roads were empty. Yet, there...
Palwasha had left the hotel room. Her bike sped down Abdul Karim Alzadeh Main Road, but her heart was...
Nature Be - “A root of blossoms”
Natures geophony, a pleasant melody in dreams.
A mellow...
They were always such delicate and pretty little indentations, that I could...
In my heart, there was a desire that resonated with every beat of my soul. A dream, a wish, that was...
To See - “The Kiss of Courtships Way”
See me, as I see you, may our hearts, twine as one in...
How - “The breath of life Changes”
To hollow echoes, of days gone and of tomorrows. How...
The night was quiet, with stars shimmering in the sky. A faint fragrance danced with the breeze, carrying...