The green pot plant standing all alone, on the cool bottom black step of our...
When time lapses into a single collapsed moment .. And the world stands...
Hello sparrowsong ...
Where are you going?
You can help support the upkeep of via PayPal.
Have you heard about the City on the Hill...
Do you picture California?
Is it Pride you're not embarrassed?
Is it anger?
What makes you want to threaten on a...
Suddenly they want to make changes?
Expected or Surprised?
They lie...
True or...
Many of us wonder how do you do that?
How can you accept this?
How can you accept it for...
Some still have no contact or information...
What are the numbers?
Odd question needed to...
If you give a few minutes to the Chart...
We know how important a Chart can be...
You can...
It seems like we just go year after year...
Decade after decade...
Talk of Hurricane Milton...
Imagine you're on the verge of death...
Alive still after days worth of ignored devastation......
Yes, I do have a few obsessional traits .. I also have a dozen or so machetes,...
Why is harming a child your goal?
Are we going to have to wait until January to find out?
An Affidavit could soon be with an Attorney?
Thousands are already aware of this Report...
Tell me they don't think the Debate was rigged more than just the 3 against 1...
Why would you need...
The spare room will be redone, The king size bed swapped out for a crib. The art on the...
Why are people fleeing Venezuela?
No more bargain shopping?
Socialism is great?